On Tue, 2022-01-18 at 09:34 -0800, Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion wrote: > "A device is an entity with positive power" > > [Would this (1) make all rules into devices or (2) make the "actual" > device nonexistent, as it is not an entity with positive power?]
Might it not just give the device a power of 1? IIRC, it's possible for a rule, even a low-powered rule, to create an instrument with a power equal to or lower than itself (unless someone can find a rule contradicting that). If this does work, we pretty much have to try it. (Incidentally: seeing this suggestion has made me realise that "an instrument is an entity with positive power" is ambiguous; it could be interpreted as "an instrument is a type of entity, and has positive power" or "when rules refer to an 'instrument', they are referring to an 'entity with positive power'". I actually think the former reading is more natural; the latter reading probably survives in the case of instruments due to rule 217, but I'm not sure. That isn't a reason to use the same reading in the case of devices, though.) -- ais523