On Tue, 2021-12-14 at 05:11 +0100, nethack4.org dicebot via agora- business wrote: > The dice roll was: 92 > This is R2528, Voting Methods.
For reference: {{{ Each Agoran decision has a voting method, which must be AI-majority, instant runoff, or first-past-the-post. The voting method is that specified by the authorizing authority, or first-past-the-post by default. Each Agoran decision has a set of valid options (the choices that the voters are being asked to select from) and valid votes (the ways in which the voters can express their opinion or lack thereof. For AI-majority decisions, the valid options are FOR and AGAINST; for other decisions, the valid options are defined by other rules. The valid votes on an Agoran decision are: 1. PRESENT; 2. The valid conditional votes, as defined by rules of power at least that of this rule; and 3. For an instant runoff decision, the ordered lists of entities. 4. For any other decision, the valid options. }}} Any suggestions? -- ais523 Mad Engineer