On Wed, 2021-10-06 at 07:46 -0700, Kerim Aydin via agora-business
> On 10/6/2021 7:25 AM, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> > PENDING FINGERS                          (does not self-ratify)
> > ======================================================================
> > ais523 22-Sep
> > "I point my finger at Cuddlebeam for violating rule 1742 by failing to
> > act in accordance with the contract "Jumblebeam Deal". Specifically, e
> > transferred eir last Victory Card, despite previously having been
> > granted a Victory Card by the Ministor via Rule 2624, and Jumble not
> > yet having transferred it to emself."
> > 
> > Cuddlebeam 06-Oct
> > "I Point my Finger at myself, Cuddlebeam, for violating "Jumblebeam Deal"
> > in that I SHALL NOT Flip my Focus except as it states."
> > 
> > Cuddlebeam 06-Oct
> > "I Point my Finger at myself, Cuddlebeam, for violating "Jumblebeam Deal"
> > in that I SHALL NOT grant my Focus Grant except as it states."
> As the above issues are contract-centered, I invite parties to the
> contract, finger-pointers, or other interested third parties, to
> submit briefs as to the harm caused by any contract breaches cited
> above.

For the first stated breach, Cuddlebeam has claimed that e was never
actually granted a Victory Card, so the finger point may be factually
incorrect (and was mostly a technicality in the first place). I admit
that I just assumed that e would have received one by now, without
actually checking. In any case, the harm would have been minor; it
mostly just prevents Jumble from attempting a scam with dubious

The other two are more of a problem. Basically, Cuddlebeam arranged a
deal in which e would gain Jumble's Victory Points and Cards for one
economic cycle, in exchange for Jumble gaining Cuddlebeam's Victory
assets in the next. We're now in the "next cycle" part of that, and
Cuddlebeam is trying to avoid eir end of the bargain (apparently due to
thinking that the contract has become inequitable in some way). The
actual amount of damage depends on a) how much use Jumble has for the
Victory assets, and b) how much benefit Jumble gets from denying
Cuddlebeam the Victory assets. There's definitely some amount of
finanical consideration here: for a), Victory Cards often go for fairly
high prices at auction, so if Jumble has no other use for them e could
likely just sell them; and even b) has some financial value due to
victory being based on comparative Victory Point holdings (a player who
is close to a win could benefit from preventing a rival catching up).


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