I intend to shred without 2 objections each contract which I am a member of

On Wed, Sep 22, 2021, 2:06 AM ATMunn via agora-official <
agora-offic...@agoranomic.org> wrote:

>    ████████ ██   ██ ███████   ███   ██  █████  ████████ ███████  ██████
>       ██    ██   ██ ██        ████  ██ ██   ██    ██    ██      ██
>       ██    ███████ █████     ██ ██ ██ ██   ██    ██    █████    █████
>       ██    ██   ██ ██        ██  ████ ██   ██    ██    ██           ██
>       ██    ██   ██ ███████   ██   ███  █████     ██    ███████ ██████
>                       -~= Notary's weekly report =~-
> ========================================================================
>       ~~ Shoutout to Telna for putting eir promise in the format ~~
>           that I use in these reports so I have less work to do.
> All times and dates in this report are given in Coordinated Universal
> Time (UTC).
> Date of last report: 14 Sep 2021
> Date of this report:
> If any contract(s) have no name currently, I assign it/them the name(s)
> displayed in this report.
> ========================================================================
> ======================= SHORT LIST OF CONTRACTS ========================
> ========================================================================
> Contracts marked with an asterisk (*) are charities.
>           Title                                           Parties
> "The Dragon Corporation"                         Aspen, Jason, Falsifian
> "TPP"[1]                         Cuddlebeam, G., Jason, Falsifian, Aspen
> "LoAFER"[2]                                        Trigon, Jason, ATMunn
> "Cuddlebeam's Locker"                                         Cuddlebeam
> "SEAMSTRESS"[3]                                       Trigon, nix, Jason
> "Dragon QuickExchange"                                         Falsifian
> "SNOCS"[4]                                           omd, ATMunn, Gaelan
> "Dragon Political Outreach"                             Falsifian, Jason
> "The Platonic Parrot"                            ATMunn, omd, Cuddlebeam
> "I bet that was written by G."                               omd, ATMunn
> * "Agoran Press"                        Falsifian, Murphy, Telna, ATMunn
> "The Splat Market"                 Gaelan, ATMunn, nix, Jason, Falsifian
> "Humble Agoran Farming"   Cuddlebeam, Trigon, Falsifian, Gaelan, ... [5]
> "The Orchard"       Cuddlebeam, Jason, Gaelan, Murphy, Lucidiot, ... [6]
> "FIAA"[7]                         Aspen, Trigon, ATMunn, nix, Cuddlebeam
> "Boatloans"                                                       Gaelan
> "Obstructive Pooling"                           Falsifian, Jason, ATMunn
> "Nathan's Locker"                                                 Nathan
> "Cuddlebeam's Sandwich"                                       Cuddlebeam
> "Cuddle Cabal"                                  Cuddlebeam, cuddlybanana
> "Jumblebeam Deal"                                     Cuddlebeam, Jumble
> "Lee's Card Shop"                                                 R. Lee
> "Now We Nomic"                                                Cuddlebeam
> "The Pointkeepor"                                                     G.
> "contract with cuddlybananaq"                       R. Lee, cuddlybanana
> [1] The Plunder Partnership
> [2] League of Agorans Facilitating Effective Recordkeeping
> [3] Signature Enthusiast Allows Modification of Signature Through
> Rigorous Exchanging of Signature Suggestions
> [4] Simple, No-Opportunity-Cost Sets
> [5] also Aspen, Murphy, Lucidiot
> [6] also G., Telna, cuddlybanana
> [7] Food Industry Association of Agora
> ========================================================================
> ========================================================================
> ==================== COMBINED HISTORY OF CONTRACTS =====================
> ========================================================================
> 21 Sep 2021: Cuddlebeam destroyed "Secret Dealings"
> 21 Sep 2021: Cuddlebeam destroyed "Intent Assassin"
> 21 Sep 2021: Cuddlebeam destroyed "THE BUTTON"
> 21 Sep 2021: Cuddlebeam destroyed "Anime Powers"
> 21 Sep 2021: Cuddlebeam destroyed "A Contractual Agreement"
> -- time of last report --
> 13 Sep 2021: Cuddlebeam created "Anime Powers"
> 11 Sep 2021: R. lee shredded eir contract
> 09 Sep 2021: Falsifian ceased to be a party to "THE BUTTON"
> 09 Sep 2021: Falsifian became a party to "THE BUTTON"
> 09 Sep 2021: Cuddlebeam created "THE BUTTON"
> 05 Sep 2021: cuddlybanana became a party to "contract with cuddlybananaq"
> 05 Sep 2021: R. Lee created "contract with cuddlybananaq"
> 05 Sep 2021: cuddlybanana became a party to R. Lee's contract
> 05 Sep 2021: R. Lee created a contract
> -- 2 reports ago --
> 29 Aug 2021: Jason shredded the contract "Joebeam Deal"
> 24 Aug 2021: G. created "The Pointkeepor"
> -- 3 reports ago --
> ========================================================================
> ========================================================================
> ================== FULL TEXT AND HISTORY OF CONTRACTS ==================
> ========================================================================
> All contracts which do not have a Donation Level stated currently have a
> Donation Level of 0.
> The following 25 contracts exist:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "The Dragon Corporation" (revision 4)
> Parties: Aspen, Jason, Falsifian
> ----------
> ## Bylaw 1: Definition
> This contract is named "the Dragon Corporation". The purpose of the
> Dragon Corporation is to earn as much money as possible for its
> shareholders.
> All other provisions of this contract notwithstanding, this contract
> does not permit any entity to act on behalf of any other entity.
> Shares of Dragon stock (also known as "shares of DRGN", or, in this
> contract, "shares") are a currency whose purpose is to represent
> ownership of the Dragon Corporation. An entity which owns at least one
> share is known as a shareholder.
> If, at any time, the Dragon Corporation or the Lost and Found Department
> owns any shares, then those shares are destroyed.
> Any person CAN, by announcement, become a party to this contract or
> cease to be a party to this contract. A shareholder who is a party to
> this contract is known as a member.
> Wherever this contract states that an entity becomes a party to this
> contract or ceases to be a party to this contract, all parties to this
> contract are considered to consent to this change.
> ## Bylaw 2: Proposals
> Any member CAN, by announcement, submit a Corporate Proposal. A
> Corporate Proposal must have exactly one of the types defined by this
> contract. Thereafter, any member CAN vote FOR or AGAINST that proposal
> by announcement, or retract such a vote, which causes the vote to become
> null and void. Whenever a member votes, all of eir previous votes on the
> same proposal are implicitly retracted.
> If a Corporate Proposal was submitted fewer than 21 days ago and has
> approval (as defined in other bylaws), and the proposal has not been
> applied, then any member may, by announcement, apply the proposal, which
> has effects as defined in other bylaws.
> Members SHALL NOT submit, vote for, or apply proposals that are
> egregiously unfair to other shareholders (such as a proposal which takes
> or revokes shares from minority shareholders without just compensation).
> ## Bylaw 3: Amendment Proposals
> An Amendment Proposal is a type of Corporate Proposal. An Amendment
> Proposal has approval if it was submitted more than 4 days ago, at least
> one member has voted FOR it, and the number of shares owned by members
> who have voted FOR it is at least 2 times the number of shares owned by
> members who have voted AGAINST it.
> When an Amendment Proposal is applied, the following occur:
> 1. Each party to this contract who has not consented to the application
> of the proposal ceases to be a party to this contract. A party who has
> voted FOR a proposal consents to the application of that proposal,
> unless e has publicly stated otherwise at or after the time at which e
> voted FOR it.
> 2. This contract is modified as described in the proposal.
> However, the application of an Amendment Proposal is INEFFECTIVE unless,
> in the same message, the entity who applies the proposal also publishes
> a text which is labeled as being the text of this contract after the
> application. E SHOULD, at that point, publish intent to ratify that text
> without objection.
> ## Bylaw 4: Ordinary Proposals
> An Ordinary Proposal is a type of Corporate Proposal. A player is
> Unsupportive of an Ordinary Proposal if e eir current vote is AGAINST,
> or if e has no current vote and the proposal was submitted fewer than 4
> days ago. An Ordinary Proposal has approval if the number of shares
> owned by members voting FOR it is greater than the number of shares
> owned by Unsupportive players.
> When an Ordinary Proposal is applied, assets are created, destroyed,
> and/or transferred as described in the proposal; and entities may
> create, destroy, and/or transfer assets as permitted in the proposal.
> Such permission expires 30 days after the proposal is applied.
> After an Ordinary Proposal is applied, the person who applied it SHOULD
> publish a description of its effects in a timely fashion, including all
> balances of assets defined by this contract which were affected by the
> proposal.
> ## Bylaw 5: Bonds and Banknotes
> Perpetual Dragon bonds (hereinafter "bonds") are a currency. Banknotes
> are a currency.
> At the beginning of each Agoran quarter, each entity is awarded a number
> of banknotes equal to the number of bonds that e owns.
> If an entity owns a banknote, e CAN redeem the banknote by transferring
> 1 coin from the Dragon Corporation to emself; the banknote is then
> destroyed.
> ## Bylaw 6: Recordkeeping
> If a party to this contract owns more shares than any other party to
> this contract, then that party becomes the President of the Dragon
> Corporation, if e is not already the President. The former President
> SHALL publicly inform the new President of this event in a timely
> fashion.
> The President is the recordkeepor of all assets defined by this
> contract, except those for which this contract specifies a different
> recordkeepor.
> ## Bylaw 7: IPO
> Within 90 days after this contract is created, any entity CAN pay a
> fee of 10 coins or 10 banknotes to the Dragon Corporation to buy a
> share. When e does this, e is awarded 1 share.
> Within 90 days after this contract is created, any entity who owns at
> least 1 share may sell the share by announcement. When e does this, the
> share is destroyed and e is awarded 5 banknotes.
> ----------
> History:
> 01 Mar 2020: contract created by Warrigal
> 03 Mar 2020: contract amended by Warrigal as only party
> 14 May 2020: Jason became a party
> 14 May 2020: Aspen became a party
> 17 May 2020: Falsifian became a party
> 24 May 2020: contract amended by Aspen via contract's procedures
> 24 May 2020: Warrigal ceased to be a party due to contract's provisions
> 02 Jun 2020: Falsifian ratified contract's text w/o objection
> 25 Jun 03:33 2020: contract amended by Falsifian via con.'s procedures
> 25 Jun 03:33 2020: Aspen ceased to be a party due to con.'s provisions
> 25 Jun 21:34 2020: Aspen became a party
> 29 Jun 23:59 2020: P.S.S. became a party
> 04 Jul 01:46 2020: Falsifian ratified contract's text w/o objection
> 05 Jul 03:10 2020: contract amended by Falsifian via con.'s procedures
> 12 Jul 05:34 2020: Falsifian ratified contract's text w/o objection
> 31 Dec 15:02 2020: P.S.S. ceased to be a party
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "The Plunder Partnership" (revision 6)
> Parties: Jason, Aspen, Cuddlebeam, Falsifian, and G.
> ----------
> 🏴‍☠️ WHO WE BE
> The Plunder Partnership is also known as the Plundership. A party to this
> contract is known as a Pirate. Any person who is not in Davy Jones’ Locker
> can become a Pirate by announcement. Any Pirate can make themselves cease
> to be one by announcement.
> Any person who has objected to a transferral of coins to the Plundership
> are in Davy Jones’ Locker. A person in Davy Jones’ Locker cannot become a
> Pirate, and they immediately cease to be a Pirate if they already were one.
> Doubloons are a destructible asset that can only belong to Pirates. When an
> amount of coins is transferred to the Plundership, each Pirate gains an
> amount of Doubloons equal to the amount transferred divided by the amount
> of Pirates, rounded down. A Pirate with at least 1 Doubloon can transfer 1
> coin to themselves from the Plundership. Doing so destroys 1 Doubloon in
> their possession.
> 🏴‍☠️ PARLEY
> Any Pirate can propose a Parley by announcement, which describes amendments
> to this contract. If a Parley was proposed at least 2 days ago, at least
> 2/3rds (rounded up) of all Pirates consent to its contents, and it has not
> yet been applied, then any Pirate can apply it by announcement, causing
> this contract to be amended according to it.
> ----------
> History:
> 12 Jun 2020: contract created by Cuddlebeam
> 12 Jun 2020: contract amended by Cuddlebeam as only party
> 12 Jun 2020: contract amended by Cuddlebeam as only party
> 12 Jun 2020: contract amended by Cuddlebeam as only party
> 12 Jun 2020: nix became a party
> 12 Jun 2020: R. Lee became a party
> 12 Jun 2020: P.S.S. became a party
> 12 Jun 2020: Bögtil became a party
> 12 Jun 2020: G. became a party
> 12 Jun 2020: Jason became a party
> 13 Jun 2020: Falsifian became a party
> 16 Jun 20:17 2020: contract amended by Cuddlebeam
> 16 Jun 20:18 2020: P.S.S. became a party [1]
> 16 Jun 20:18 2020: Jason became a party [1]
> 17 Jun 00:42 2020: R. Lee became a party [1]
> 19 Jun 01:27 2020: Falsifian became a party [1]
> 21 Jun 06:30 2020: Aspen became a party
> 22 Jun 01:01 2020: ATMunn became a party
> 30 Jun 01:16 2020: contract amended by R. Lee via con.'s provisions
> 01 Jul 23:45 2020: contract's text ratified by Falsifian
> 13 Jul 00:28 2020: nix ceased to be a party
> 13 Jul 00:36 2020: ATMunn ceased to be a party
> 31 Dec 15:02 2020: P.S.S. ceased to be a party
> 17 Feb 18:57 2021: contract amended by Jason
> 17 Feb 18:57 2021: R. Lee ceased to be a party due to con.'s provisions
> 17 Feb 18:57 2021: Bögtil ceased to be a party due to con.'s provisions
> 18 Feb 19:52 2021: contract amended by Jason
> [1] Due to CFJ 3850 being judged TRUE, these players were already
> parties to the contract.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "League of Agorans Facilitating Effective Recordkeeping" (revision 1)
> Parties: Trigon, ATMunn
> Summary:
> Officers' lives are hard sometimes, but we can make them easier. Parties
> to this contract follow a few practices to simplify officering.
> ----------
> When this contract refers to an Officer, it is considered to include all
> Officers as defined by the rules (hereafter "Public Officers") as well
> as any entity tasked by a contract with the tracking of gamestate
> relating to that contract (hereafter "Private Officers").
> Parties to this contract should attempt to help the officers of Agora in
> their official duties by following the guidelines of this contract,
> which are enumerated below:
> 1. Signaling: the act of placing in the subject text of a message to the
>     effect of "[attn {Office}]" when actions taken in the message pertain
>     directly to the mentioned office's duties or "[{Action}]" when
>     rule-defined actions are taken that pertains to an officer's duties.
>     Parties to this contract should signal their own messages.
>     A list of actions that should be so signaled and the appropriate
>     signals is included below, sorted by which office they are most
>     pertinent to the duties of. If the specified action signal is already
>     included in the subject of the message, players should signal the
>     office instead.
>     * ADoP
>       * Initiation of, voting on, or declaring the winner of an election:
>         [Election]
>     * Arbitor
>       * Calling and judging of CFJs: [CFJ]
>       * Intendion to file and filing Motions to Reconsider: [Motion]
>       * Intendion to enter and entering a judgement into Moot: [Moot]
>       * Recusing oneself from a CFJ: [Recusal]
>     * Herald
>       * Performing Any action resulting in winning the game: [Victory]
>       * Notices of Honour: [Notice of Honour] or [NoH]
>       * Submission of a Thesis for peer-review: [Thesis]
>       * Suggestions for or intentions to award patent titles: [Patent
>         Title]
>     * Notary
>       * Creation and destruction of pledges: [Pledge]
>       * Creation and destruction of contracts: [Contract]
>       * Any action defined or permitted by a contract: either that
>         contract's full name or an easily identifiable part of that
>         contract's name that cannot be confused with that of another
>         existing contract.
>     * Promotor
>       * Submission and withdrawal of Proposals and intentions to flip the
>         class of a proposal: [Proposal]
>     * Referee
>       * Pointing one's finger: [Finger Pointing] or [Pointing]
>       * Submitting a CFJ to the Referee: signal Referee
>     * Registrar
>       * Deregistration, changing of master switch, and submissions of
>         Cantus Cygnei (if to a public forum): signal Registrar
>     * Rulekeepor
>       * Cleaning: [Cleaning]
>     * Tailor
>       * Awarding a ribbon: [Ribbon]
>       * Awarding oneself glitter: [Glitter]
>     * All Offices
>       * Transfer of an asset tracked by an Office: signal that Office
>       * Casting a vote on an Agoran decision whose vote collecter is an
>         Officer (if not in response to the message in which the decision
>         was initiated): signal that Office
>       * Making a bid in an auction whose auctioneer is an Officer (if not
>         in reponse to the message in which the auction was initiated:
>         signal that Office
>       * For Private Officers, any business impacting the gamestate e
>         tracks: signal that Office
>       * Situations not enumerated above that require special attention
>         from an Officer: signal that Office
> 2. Respecting Official Intentions: abstaining from doing anything that
>     would majorly hinder or impede an Officer's performance of an action
>     related to eir official duties that e has stated either implicitly or
>     explicitly that e would perform when there is no cause to believe
>     that e is performing that action for any malicious or nefarious
>     purpose.
>     Parties to this contract should respect official intentions except
>     when urgent action is required or when the rules require them to take
>     said actions.
> A LoAFER Proposal is a document containing a list of suggested changes
> to this contract or anything defined by it. A player can submit a LoAFER
> Proposal by enumerating in a public message its full contents and
> specifying clearly that it is a LoAFER Proposal.
> Parties can vote on a LoAFER Proposal by replying directly to the
> message in which it was created, specifying either Aye or Nay as their
> vote.
> Any party to this contract CAN, by announcement, pass a LoAFER Proposal
> if:
> 1. the number of Aye votes on that LoAFER Proposal exceeds floor(1+P/2),
>     where P is the number of parties to this contract; OR
> 2. the number of Aye votes is greater than the number of Nay votes, and
>     the LoAFER proposal in question was submitted at least 96 hours
>     before.
> Any party to this contract CAN, by announcement, fail a LoAFER Proposal
> if the number of Nay votes is equal to or greater than the number of Aye
> votes and the LoAFER Proposal was submitted at least 96 hours ago.
> When a LoAFER Proposal is passed, all the changes specified therein are
> put into effect, then it is destroyed. When a LoAFER Proposal is failed,
> it is destroyed.
> ----------
> History:
> 14 Jun 2020: contract created by Trigon
> 14 Jun 2020: contract amended by Trigon as only member
> 14 Jun 2020: Jason became a member
> 14 Jun 2020: R. Lee became a member
> 14 Jun 2020: ATMunn became a member
> 14 Jun 2020: P.S.S. became a member
> 31 Dec 15:02 2020: P.S.S. ceased to be a party
> 16 Jun 05:45 2021: R. Lee ceased to be a party
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Cuddlebeam's Locker" (revision 2)
> Parties: Cuddlebeam
> Summary:
> A deposit of assets that only Cuddlebeam, acting as emself, can take
> from; as a protection against possible acting-on-behalf scams that may
> puppeteer them.
> ----------
> This is Cuddlebeam’s Locker, also known as “my locker” when referred to by
> Cuddlebeam.
> Cuddlebeam is the only party to this contract.
> Cuddlebeam, while acting as emself and with Cuddlebeam’s consent, CAN amend
> this contract by announcement.
> Cuddlebeam, while acting as emself and with Cuddlebeam’s consent, CAN
> transfer Assets from this Contract to Cuddlebeam.
> Cuddlebeam CANNOT amend this contract by having another person act on their
> behalf to do so.
> Cuddlebeam CANNOT transfer Assets from this contract by having another
> person act on their behalf to do so.
> ----------
> History:
> 14 Jun 2020: contract created by Cuddlebeam
> 07 Jul 05:40 2020: contract amended by Cuddlebeam as only party
> 13 Jul 21:00 2020: contract amended by Cuddlebeam as only party
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Signature Enthusiast Allows Modification of Signature Through Rigorous
> Exchanging of Signature Suggestions" (revision 3)
> Parties: Trigon, nix, Jason
> Summary:
> With this stupid contract, you can buy space in Trigon's signature at
> the end of every message. What could possibly go wrong?
> ----------
> Players can join and leave this contract at any time.
> Any player CAN submit a signature suggestion by transferring 3 boatloads
> of coins to this contract and stating a short body of text no longer
> than 10 words.
> Trigon CAN by announcement and SHALL, within 4 days of the signature
> suggestion's submission, either approve or deny a signature
> suggestion. E SHALL NOT deny a suggestion unless the suggestion breaks
> one of the rejection criteria, which are enumerated at the end of this
> contract.
> When Trigon approves a signature suggestion, e adds the suggestion to
> eir signature which is included at the end of all of eir messages, then
> e transfers the price paid to submit that signature suggestion from this
> contract to emself.
> When Trigon denies a signature suggestion, e transfers the price paid to
> submit that signature suggestion from this contract to the player that
> submitted the signature suggestion.
> If assets were transferred to this contract by any mechanism not
> described above, Trigon CAN by announcement and SHALL within 4 days,
> transfer the coins to their owner before said transfer.
> Trigon is only obligated to keep each suggestion in eir signature for a
> period of two weeks. After that period elapses, e may remove the
> suggestion at any time.
> The rejection criteria are as follows:
> 1. The suggestion includes swear words.
> 2. The suggestion includes serious, intentional insult to a person.
> 3. The suggestion treats real-world and/or in-game issues lightly.
> 4. The suggestion is otherwise in poor taste.
> 5. The suggestion contains a sentence that could be interpreted as a
>         game action.
> ----------
> History:
> 21 Jun 23:16 2020: contract created by Trigon
> 22 Jun 00:57 2020: contract amended by Trigon as only party
> 22 Jun 01:14 2020: contract amended by Trigon as only party
> 22 Jun 01:22 2020: nix became a party
> 22 Jun 01:54 2020: omd became a party
> 22 Jun 01:54 2020: omd ceased to be a party
> 22 Jun 02:00 2020: Jason became a party
> 22 Jun 02:00 2020: Jason ceased to be a party
> 22 Jun 02:01 2020: Jason became a party
> 16 Oct 19:18 2020: Cuddlebeam became a party
> 16 Oct 19:18 2020: Cuddlebeam ceased to be a party
> 22 Jan 02:46 2021: contract amended by Trigon
> 02 Feb 21:37 2021: contract amended by Trigon
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Dragon QuickExchange" (initial revision)
> Parties: Falsifian
> ----------
> -- Overview --
> In a hurry to convert a couple of Cards? This contract permits exchange
> of Cards for Products at a reasonable rate within a single message.
> Players can also make a profit by doing card-to-product conversions for
> this contract.
> -- Basic use --
> If this contract owns at least 2 of a type of Product, any player CAN
> pay 1 of the corresponding Card to this contract to take 2 of that
> Product from this contract.
> -- Advanced use --
> Victory Credits, Justice Credits, Legislative Credits and Voting Credits
> are liquid currencies backed by this contract.
> The Allowed Conversions are as follows:
> * 1   Card    to 100 Credits
> * 47  Credits to   1 Product
> * 1   Product to  44 Credits
> * 100 Credits to   1 Card
> An Allowed Conversion of X to Y is satisfiable if Y is in Credits or
> this contract owns at least Y. If an Allowed Conversion is satisfiable,
> any player CAN pay a fee of X to this contract to be granted Y (if Y is
> credits) or to take Y from this contract (otherwise).
> Whenever this contract owns Credits and the above sequence is not in
> progress, the Credits are destroyed.
> When Cards and Products are destroyed due to a VP win, all Credits are
> destroyed as well.
> -- Management --
> Any player CAN join or leave this contract by announcement.
> Any player CAN by announcement transfer assets from this contract to the
> Dragon Corporation, if explicitly permitted by the Dragon Corporation's
> text.
> If an Amendment Proposal for the Dragon Corporation is adopted (as
> specified by the Dragon Corporation text) and specifies changes to this
> contract, then first any parties to this contract who did not consent to
> those changes ceases to be a party, and then the changes are applied.
> ----------
> History:
> 22 Jun 02:03 2020: contract created by Falsifian
> 29 Jun 17:31 2020: R. Lee became a member
> 29 Jun 17:53 2020: contract amended with consent of both parties
> 16 Jun 05:45 2021: R. Lee ceased to be a party
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "SNOCS (Simple, No-Opportunity-Cost Sets)" (initial revision)
> Parties: omd, ATMunn, Gaelan
> ----------
> Pooling Cards refers to the following procedure:
> 1. A party collects 4 Cards of the same type as follows:
>     E nominates a total of 4 Cards of the same type in any party's
> possession,
>     which must include at least 1 of eir own Cards.
>     Then e acts on behalf of the owners of those Cards (except emself) to
>     transfer the Cards from them to emself.
> 2. E pays those 4 Cards as a set to get 10 Products.
> 3. E distributes the just-earned Products evenly as follows:
>     If the 4 Cards consisted of 2 from em and 2 from a single other party,
>     then e transfers 5 of the Products to that other party for a truly even
>     distribution.
>     Otherwise, e transfers 2 of the Products to the original owner of
> each of
>     the Cards, for a total of 8 Products.  As for the remaining 2
> Products, e
>     transfers each to the original owner of a random one of the Cards.
>     For the purposes of the above paragraph, to transfer Products to
> oneself is
>     to do nothing.
>     The random choice shall be made following the guidelines in Rule 2505.
> Any party CAN at any time Pool Cards.
>   - The other parties consent to that party acting on behalf of them as
>     specified in the procedure, as long as (a) e attempts to perform all
> actions
>     in the procedure, in order, in a single message; (b) e does not
> intersperse
>     them with any other attempted actions; (c) in that message e labels the
>     attempted actions as an attempt to Pool Cards, and (d) all of the
> actions
>     would be successful assuming the aforementioned consent is given.
> Any player CAN join the contract by announcement; any party CAN leave the
> contract by announcement.  Any party CAN remove another party from the
> contract
> without objection.  Each party consents to the aforementioned membership
> changes.
> ----------
> History:
> 29 Jun 00:07 2020: contract created by omd
> 29 Jun 15:45 2020: ATMunn became a party
> 29 Jun 15:47 2020: R. Lee became a party
> 01 Nov 14:58 2020: Gaelan became a party
> 16 Jun 05:45 2021: R. Lee ceased to be a party
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Dragon Political Outreach" (initial revision)
> Parties: Falsifian, Jason
> ----------
> Any person CAN join or leave this contract by announcement.
> Whenever a party (Party A) to this contact grants a Card to another
> party (Party B) of this contract, party A CAN once in the same message
> act on party B's behalf to transfer a Card of the same type from Party
> B to the Dragon Corporation.
> ----------
> History:
> 29 Jun 13:38 2020: contract created by Falsifian
> 30 Jun 00:09 2020: Aspen became a party
> 30 Jun 00:09 2020:
> 28 Jul 00:57 2020: Jason became a party
> 28 Jul 01:03 2020: Aspen became a party
> 28 Jul 01:03 2020: Aspen ceased to be a party
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "The Platonic Parrot" (initial revision)
> Parties: ATMunn, omd, R. Lee, Cuddlebeam
> ----------
> The Platonic Parrot
> A party to this contract is also known as a Platonic Pirate. Any player
> who is not currently Marked can join this contract by announcement. Any
> player can leave this contract by announcement. When someone is
> deregistered, e automatically leaves the contract.
> If a Platonic Pirate objects to an intent to transfer assets to this
> contract, e ceases to be a party to the contract. If a player has
> objected to an intent to transfer assets to this contract in the last 7
> days, e is Marked.
> When the Platonic Parrot has assets, any Platonic Pirate CAN by
> announcement divy them in the following way:
> * Where X is the total number of coins owned by the Platonic Parrot and
> Y is the number of Platonic Pirates, e transfers each Platonic Pirate
> X/Y (rounded down) coins from the Platonic Parrot.
> * If there are still coins owned by the Platonic Parrot, e transfer
> emself all the remaining coins.
> * If there are any other assets owned by the Platonic Parrot, e
> transfers emself one of them of eir own choice.
> * If there are still assets owned by the Platonic Parrot, e transfers
> them to other Platonic Pirates such that no Platonic Pirate receives
> more than 1 more asset than any other Platonic Pirate (excluding the
> coins e gave emself in the earlier step). As long as this constraint
> is met, e may choose who gets what assets.
> This contract may be amended by a Platonic Pirate with the consent of
> 2/3rds (rounded up) of all Platonic Pirates.
> ----------
> History:
> 13 Jul 00:22 2020: contract created by nix
> 13 Jul 00:29 2020: P.S.S. became a party
> 13 Jul 00:30 2020: Jason became a party
> 13 Jul 00:36 2020: ATMunn became a party
> 13 Jul 01:40 2020: omd became a party
> 13 Jul 02:14 2020: R. Lee became a party
> 13 Jul 07:20 2020: Cuddlebeam became a party
> 13 Jul 20:46 2020: Jason ceased to be a party
> 28 Jul 20:28 2020: nix ceased to be a party
> 31 Dec 15:02 2020: P.S.S. ceased to be a party
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "I bet that was written by G." (initial revision)
> Parties: omd, ATMunn
> ----------
> 1. Joining: If this contract has only one party, anyone CAN join it by
> publicly consenting after transferring 25 coins to the contract.
> 2. Bet: omd CAN transfer coins from this contract by announcement.  If
> this contract has two parties, e SHALL do so only as follows:
> - In a timely fashion after it becomes reasonably clear which person
> sent a message titled "[Diplonomic 2020] Chicago International Tribune"
> to agora-discussion on or about 13 July 2020 08:10, e SHALL transfer all
> this contract's coins to emself if that person was G., or to the other
> party otherwise.
> - Alternately, if this contract has existed for at least 60 days, and
> the identity of the aforementioned author is still not reasonably clear,
> omd MAY transfer this contract's coins in a way that divides them as
> equally as possible between the parties.
> 3. Termination: If this contract has no coins, omd CAN terminate it by
> announcement.
> 4. Self-Dealing Encouraged: The aforementioned author SHOULD NOT
> hesitate to join the contract emself if e sees fit to reveal eir
> identity.
> ----------
> History:
> 13 Jul 08:41 2020: contract created by omd
> 13 Jul 19:17 2020: ATMunn became a party
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Agoran Press" (revision 2)
> Parties: Falsifian, Murphy, Telna, ATMunn
> Donation Level: 25
> Summary:
> Coordinates Agoran journalism and payment for same. If you want to
> report on the current week, just join and take the Weekly Assignment
> (unless it's already taken).
> ----------
> Purpose: support the documentation of Agoran events in a way that
> informs current players and non-players and also supports future
> research.
> -- Joining and leaving --
> Parties to this contract are called Reportors.
> Any person CAN join or leave this contract by announcement.
> -- Reporting --
> A Weekly Report is a summary of notable events for a given Agoran Week.
> Notability, and what must be included in a summary, are at the author's
> discretion.
> Any player can Report on a past Agoran week by publishing a Weekly
> Report for it, as long as all the following are true:
> * No other player has dibs on that week, as described in this contract.
> * No other Weekly Report has been published for that week.
> * It's at most one year in the past.
> -- Gratitude --
> When a player has Reported on an Agoran Week but has not yet been
> Thanked for that report, any player CAN Thank them for it:
> - by announcement, if the thanker has not Thanked anyone yet this
>    month; or
> - by Agoran Consent.
> -- Dibs --
> Any player can call dibs on a specified week by announcement. That
> player then has dibs on that week, unless another player already had
> it.
> A player can release dibs on a week by announcement: then they no
> longer have dibs.
> When a player's continuously had dibs on a week for 14 days, e
> automatically releases dibs on that week.
> -- Payment --
> Coins Owed are a currency. Whenever a player is Thanked (as defined in
> this contract), e earns 5 boatloads of Coins Owed.
> Whenever this contract owns at least N Coins (for any nonnegative
> integer N), any player CAN transfer N Coins from this contract to
> emself by paying a fee of N Coins Owed.
> To "Redeem N Coins Owed" is to pay N Coins Owed to transfer N Coins
> from this contract to oneself.
> -- Conversion --
> Credits are a currency. If any Credits exist, each Credit is
> immediately replaced with 5 Boatloads of Coins Owed (with the same
> owner). In particular, this happens immediately after the contract is
> first amended to include this provision.
> -- Accounting --
> Any player can become The Editor or cease being The Editor by
> announcement. In other words, The Editor is the last person to
> claim the role, if e has not left it since.
> The Editor is the recordkeepor for Coins and Credits.
> Whenever a players publishes a Weekly Report or Redeems Coins Owed, e
> SHOULD then become the Editor and publish a report.
> -- Amendment --
> Any Reportor can propose an amendment to this contract by announcement.
> If an amendment was proposed at least 2 days ago, at least two thirds
> (rounded up) of all Reportors consent to it, and it has not yet been
> applied, then any Reportor can enact it by announcement. When it is
> enacted, first, non-consenting players cease to be parties to this
> contract, and then it is applied.
> ----------
> History:
> 14 Aug 03:22 2020: contract created by Falsifian
> 21 Aug 20:38 2020: donation level set to 25 by ATMunn
> 12 Nov 17:51 2020: contract amended by Falsifian
> 12 Nov ??:?? 2020: Lucidiot became a party
> 15 Nov ??:?? 2020: Murphy became a party
> 31 Dec 05:54 2020: Gaelan became a party
> 17 Jun 12:26 2021: Telna became a party
> 08 Jul 14:40 2021: ATMunn became a party
> 12 Jul 18:55 2021: contract amended by Falsifian
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "The Splat Market" (revision 1)
> Parties: Gaelan, ATMunn, nix, Jason, Falsifian
> ----------
> Any player may become a party to this contract. Any party may cease to
> be a party to this contract; upon a player ceasing to be a party (by any
> mechanism), all of eir orders are destroyed.
> Any party may amend this contract with the consent of a simple majority
> of parties. Upon doing so (and without any of the new provisions
> becoming binding upon em), any players who did not consent cease to be
> parties. Players making amendments SHOULD wait to allow all interested
> parties to indicate eir consent.
> An order is an entity with the following properties:
> - currency (any non-fixed currency that is not the official currency of
> Agora)
> - direction (buy or sell)
> - owner (a player)
> - a price (a number of instances of the official currency of Agora)
> A buy order is an order with a direction of buy, and a sell order is an
> order with a direction of sell. A player's orders are the orders where
> the owner is that player.
> Parties can create orders with emself as the owner, by announcement,
> specifying all other properties. Parties can destroy eir orders by
> announcement.
> For each (currency, direction) pair, there is an "active order." For buy
> orders, this is the order with that currency and the highest price. For
> sell orders, this is the order with that currency and the lowest price.
> In either case, if multiple orders have the same price, the oldest order
> is the sell order.
> For any given currency, it is IMPOSSIBLE to create a sell order with a
> price lower than the active buy order, and IMPOSSIBLE to create a buy
> order with a price higher than the active sell order.
> To perform a set of actions atomically is to preform them, in order, in
> the same message, with no intervening actions. Where this contract
> permits players to perform actions as part of an atomic set, it permits
> doing so only if all actions in the set would be EFFECTIVE.
> Any player CAN perform the following actions atomically: {
> Transfer a number of instances of Agora's official currency equal to an
> active sell order's price to that order's owner.
> Act on that order's owner's behalf to transfer one instance of the
> order's currency to emself.
> Destroy that order.
> }
> "Executing N of <owner>'s sell orders for <currency type> at <price>"
> (or similar language) is shorthand for completing the above process, N
> times, with the specified attributes.
> Any player CAN perform the following actions atomically: {
> Transfer or grant one instance of an active buy order's currency to
> that  order's owner.
> Act on that order's owner's behalf to transfer a number of instances of
> Agora's official currency equal to that order's price to emself.
> Destroy that order.
> }
> "Executing N of <owner>'s buy orders for <currency type> at <price>" (or
> similar language) is shorthand for completing the above process, N
> times, with the specified attributes. Unless otherwise specified, it is
> assumed that the executor does so by transferring assets, not granting
> them.
> If either of the above sets of actions would be IMPOSSIBLE due to the
> active order's owner having an insufficient currency balance, any player
> CAN destroy the active order by announcement.
> Gaelan SHALL publish a weekly report listing the properties of each
> order, and the relative age (i.e. which orders are older, but not
> necessarily any specific dates) of any orders with the same currency,
> direction, and price.
> ----------
> History:
> 24 Aug 17:01 2020: contract created by Gaelan
> 24 Aug 17:22 2020: contract amended by Gaelan as only party
> 06 Sep 15:21 2020: contract amended by Gaelan as only party
> 21 Sep 21:02 2020: ATMunn became a party
> 25 Oct 16:08 2020: Cuddlebeam became a party
> 25 Oct 16:08 2020: Cuddlebeam ceased to be a party
> 01 Nov 21:54 2020: G. became a party
> 01 Nov 21:54 2020: G. ceased to be a party
> 02 Nov 01:35 2020: nix became a party
> 06 Feb 02:17 2021: Jason became a party
> 04 Apr 21:03 2021: Falsifian became a party
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Humble Agoran Farming" (initial revision)
> Parties: Cuddlebeam, Trigon, Falsifian, Gaelan, Aspen, Murphy, Lucidiot
> ----------
> Members to this contract are Farmers. Any Player can become a Farmer by
> announcement, or cease to be one by announcement.
> Farmers can, up to once per Agoran week, PLANT POTATOES. Doing so causes
> them to gain 1 Potato. Potatoes are an asset.
> There is a Farmer who is the Farmest. The Farmest is the recordkeeper of
> Potatoes. Cuddlebeam is the Farmest.
> ----------
> History:
> 21 Oct 18:34 2020: contract created by Cuddlebeam
> 21 Oct 18:59 2020: P.S.S. became a party
> 21 Oct 19:12 2020: Trigon became a party
> 25 Oct 03:46 2020: Falsifian became a party
> 25 Oct 09:39 2020: Gaelan became a party
> 25 Oct 21:35 2020: Aspen became a party
> 31 Oct 16:55 2020: Murphy became a party
> 12 Nov 17:01 2020: Lucidiot became a party
> 31 Dec 15:02 2020: P.S.S. ceased to be a party
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "The Orchard" (initial revision)
> Parties: Cuddlebeam, Jason, Murphy, Gaelan, Lucidiot, G., Telna,
> cuddlybanana
> ----------
> Players to this contract are known as Orchardors. Any player can become
> an Orchardor by announcement, and any Orchardor may cease to be one by
> announcement.
> Trees are a type of asset. Any Orchardor can PLANT A TREE by
> announcement, specifying a fruit type, as long as e has not already done
> so in the last 7 days. When an Orchardor PLANTS A TREE, e is granted one
> new Tree of the specified fruit type.
> Fruits are a type of asset. Each Fruit has a type; Fruits with the same
> type are fungible. A Fruit may also be referred to by its type. Any
> Orchardor can PICK FRUIT by announcement, if e has not already done so
> in the last 7 days. When an Orchardor does so, for every Tree e owns, e
> earns one Fruit of the same type as that tree.
> The player who has been an Orchardor for the longest is known as the
> Orchardoror. The Orchardoror is the recordkeepor of Trees and Fruits.
> ----------
> History:
> 26 Oct 21:49 2020: contract created by ATMunn
> 26 Oct 22:11 2020: Falsifian became a party
> 26 Oct 22:15 2020: Trigon became a party
> 26 Oct 22:30 2020: Cuddlebeam became a party
> 26 Oct 22:32 2020: Jason became a party
> 27 Oct 00:28 2020: P.S.S. became a party
> 31 Oct 16:55 2020: Murphy became a party
> 08 Nov 12:50 2020: Gaelan became a party
> 08 Nov 15:47 2020: Lucidiot became a party
> 31 Dec 15:02 2020: P.S.S. ceased to be a party
> 23 Jul 21:57 2021: G. became a party
> 23 Jul 21:57 2021: Telna became a party
> 24 Jul 00:07 2021: Falsifian ceased to be a party
> 24 Jul 00:09 2021: cuddlybanana became a party
> 24 Jul 01:11 2021: ATMunn ceased to be a party
> 24 Jul 01:14 2021: Trigon ceased to be a party
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Food Industry Association of Agora" (revision 1)
> Parties: Aspen, Trigon, ATMunn, nix, Cuddlebeam
> ----------
> This contract shall be known as the Food Industry Association of Agora.
> It is the purpose of this contract to maintain a record of the authorized
> producers of each type of food. A member of a contract is known as
> the Director. This is by default the member who first joined the contract
> earliest, but e can be removed and a new director selected by announcement,
> provided two thirds of the members consent.
> The Product List contains the authorized backing contract for each
> type of foodstuff. To qualify:
> - the creator of the contract should not have created any other foodstuff
>    contract within the same Agoran week
> - the contract should guarantee that the quantity of the foodstuff
>    be reasonably limited
> The Director can modify the Product List by announcement; any member
> can modify it by announcement provided a majority of members consent.
> The Product List cannot have any game effect beyond listing
> the products each contract is authorized to back; any change to the list
> which could plausibly be interpreted to give it another effect is canceled
> and does not occur.
> Players may join or leave this contract by announcement; parties to this
> contract are known as members. This contract may be amended with
> 2 Agoran consent, where only members are eligible to support or object.
> When
> an amendment occurs (other than to change the Product List, within the
> bounds
> set for changes of the Product List), every member who did not consent
> is ejected from the contract.
> The Product List:
> - “Humble Agoran Farming” is authorized to back potatoes.
> - "The Orchard" is authorized to back culinary fruits.
> ----------
> History:
> 27 Oct 22:46 2020: contract created by Aspen
> 27 Oct 23:16 2020: Trigon became a party
> 27 Oct 23:18 2020: ATMunn became a party
> 27 Oct 23:20 2020: nix became a party
> 28 Oct 01:03 2020: P.S.S. became a party
> 28 Oct 07:59 2020: Cuddlebeam became a party
> 08 Nov 04:19 2020: contract amended by Aspen with 2 consent among parties
> 31 Dec 15:02 2020: P.S.S. ceased to be a party
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Boatloans" (revision 2)
> Parties: Gaelan
> ----------
> The parties consent to any players joining this contract. The parties
> consent to parties who do not own debts leaving this contract.
> Debts are a fixed asset defined by this contract. Debts owned by the
> player, and created in the same month (and year) are fungible. A debt
> has a status. In the month a debt was created, its status is New; an
> asset that was created 1-2 months ago has a status of Repayable; after
> that, its status is Overdue. For example, a debt created in January 2021
> is New for that month, Repayable between February and March 2020, and
> Overdue during and after the month of April 2020.
> A party to this contract (the debtor) may Take Out a Loan, performing
> the following actions by announcement in the same message:
> - Act on Gaelan's behalf to transfer a boatload of coins from Gaelan to
>    the debtor.
> - Create a debt in eir possession.
> A party to this contract may Pay Back a Loan, performing the following
> actions by announcement in the same message:
> - Transfer a boatload of coins to Gaelan.
> - Revoke a Repayable or Overdue debt in eir possession.
> Gaelan may Discharge a Debt, performing the following actions by
> announcement in the same message:
> - Act on another party's behalf to create a blot in eir possession.
> - Revoke an Overdue debt in that party's possession.
> ----------
> History:
> 08 Nov 18:22 2020: contract created by Gaelan
> 08 Nov 18:29 2020: contract amended by Gaelan as only party
> 08 Nov 18:47 2020: contract amended by Gaelan as only party
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Obstructive Pooling" (revision 2)
> Parties: Falsifian, Jason, ATMunn
> ----------
> --- Introduction ---
> This contract is for players to pool their Victory Cards and Points in
> order to prevent others from Taking Over the Economy, and also to aid
> exchanging Cards for Points.
> It's intended to work like this: one party (the Trustee) is entrusted
> with holding Victory Points and Victory Cards on behalf of others. The
> Trustee can freely transfer the duty to another party as long as e
> transfers the associated Cards and Points, so there shouldn't be any
> disadvantage to the role.
> --- Joining and leaving ---
> Any player CAN join this contract by announcement.
> Any player other than the Trustee (defined below) CAN leave this
> contract by announcement.
> --- Holding ---
> The Trust is a unique asset which can only be held by parties to this
> contract. Its owner is called the Trustee. Falsifian is the first
> Trustee.
> The Trustee SHALL NOT Take Over the Economy.
> The Trustee SHALL ensure at all times that e holds Victory Cards and
> Points with total value at least equal to the number of Decipoints in
> existence.
> The Trustee CAN transfer the Trust to any other party (the receiver) by
> transferring Victory Cards and Victory Points to the receiver with
> total value equal to the number of Decipoints in existence, so long as
> e does so for the sole purpose of transferring the Trust, and says so
> in eir message. It is IMPOSSIBLE to transfer the Trust in any other
> way.
> The Trustee SHOULD exchange four Victory Cards for ten Victory Points
> whenever possible. Any party to this contract CAN act on behalf of the
> Trustee to do so.
> --- Banking ---
> Decipoints are a currency. A Victory Point is worth ten Decipoints and
> a Victory Card is worth 25 Decipoints. A Victory Product is a Victory
> Card or a Victory Point.
> Any player CAN Deposit Victory Cards and/or Victory Points using
> either of the following two methods.
> (a) By transferring them to this contract.
> (b) By transferring them to the Trustee (defined below) for the sole
>      purpose of Depositing.
> When e does so, e gains the equivalent value in Decipoints.
> The Trustee CAN transfer Victory Products from this contract to emself
> by announcement. Any party to this contract CAN act on behalf of the
> Trustee to transfer Victory Products Points from this contract to the
> Trustee.
> To Withdraw is to act on behalf of the Trustee to transfer Victory
> Products to oneself. When a player Withdraws, the corresponding value
> in Decipoints is destroyed from the Withdrawer's possession.
> Any player CAN Withdraw Victory Products as long as all of the
> following are true:
> 1. The contract owns no Victory Products.
> 2. The Victory Products being withdrawn do not exceed the withdrawer's
>     balance before the withdrawal.
> 3. No Victory Points are being withdrawn, or the Trustee owns no
>     Victory Cards, or the Withdrawal includes all of the Trustee's
>     Victory Cards. (In other words: preference must be given to
>     withdrawing Cards.)
> If the Trustee attempts to deposit or withdraw, e is successful, even
> if no assets are transferred. (That is: the Trustee can freely grant
> emself Decipoints or destroy eir own Decipoints.)
> --- Resets ---
> Whenever all Victory Cards and Products are destroyed because a player
> Took Over the Economy, all Decipoints are destroyed as well.
> --- Reporting ---
> Any player can become The Accountant or cease being The Accountant by
> announcement. In other words, The Accountant is the last person to
> claim the role, if e has not left it since.
> The Accountant is the recordkeepor for the Trust and for Decipoints.
> --- Amendment ---
> Any player can propose an amendment to this contract by announcement.
> If an amendment was proposed at least two days ago, the Trustee
> consents to it, at least two thirds of the parties consent to it, and
> it has not yet been applied, then any party can enact it by
> announcement. When the amendment is enacted, first, non-consenting
> players cease to be parties to the contract, and then it is applied.
> ----------
> History:
> 06 Feb 05:20 2021: contract created by Falsifian
> 06 Feb 05:21 2021: Jason became a party
> 06 Feb 15:51 2021: nix became a party
> 18 Apr 20:44 2021: ATMunn became a party
> 19 Apr 01:13 2021: Gaelan became a party
> 19 Apr 01:13 2021: Gaelan ceased to be a party
> 21 Apr 15:09 2021: contract amended by Falfifian
> 21 Apr 15:09 2021: nix ceased to be a party
> 02 May 16:13 2021: contract's text and parties ratified by Falsifian
> 20 Jun 18:26 2021: contract amended by Falsifian
> 20 Jun 18:27 2021: contract amended by Falsifian
> 26 Jun 01:18 2021: contract's text and parties ratified by Falsifian
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Nathan's Locker" (initial revision)
> Parties: Nathan
> ----------
> Nathan may transfer any liquid assets from this contract to a specified
> recipient.
> Nathan may transfer any liquid assets from emself to this contract.
> ----------
> History:
> 01 May 07:16 2021: contract created by Nathan
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Cuddlebeam's Sandwich" (revision 1)
> Parties: Cuddlebeam
> ----------
> Cuddlebeam is the sole party to this contract.
> Layer 1: This is a layer of bread.
> Layer 2: This is a layer of ham.
> Layer 3: This is a layer of bread.
> Layer 4: This is a layer of ham.
> [The text of this contract continues infinitely, following the pattern
> of bread/ham for all natural numbers. See messages [1] and [2] for more
> details.]
> [1]
> https://mailman.agoranomic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/agora-business/2021-May/046470.html
> [2]
> https://mailman.agoranomic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/agora-business/2021-June/046646.html
> ----------
> History:
> 27 May 19:03 2021: contract created by Cuddlebeam
> 27 May 19:03 2021: contract amended by Cuddlebeam
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Cuddle Cabal" (initial revision)
> Parties: Cuddlebeam, Cuddlybanana
> ----------
> I consent to a contract with the following text:
> Cuddlebeam and cuddlybanana are the sole parties to this contract. One
> or zero parties to this contract are the Puppeteer. If there is a
> Puppeteer, the other party is the Puppet.
> The Puppeteer can act on behalf of the Puppet to:
> -Plan to Flip their Ministry Focus.
> -Grant their Ministry Focus' Grant to the Puppeteer.
> -Transfer 1 Victory Card from the Puppet to themselves, if the Puppet
> has gained a Victory Card by being granted it by the Ministor by
> virtue of R2624 and the Puppeteer has not done so since the last time
> that such an event has happened.
> The Puppet SHALL NOT plan to flip eir Ministry Focus or grant eir
> Ministry Focus's Grant, except as provided for in this contract. The
> Puppet SHALL NOT transfer or spend their last Victory Card, if they
> have been granted one by the Ministor by virtue of R2624 and the
> Puppeteer hasn’t used this contract to transfer it to themselves yet.
> This contract ceases to exist when an Economic Takeover happens or
> when 365 days have passed, whichever happens first.
> After the creation of this contract, upon the first 1d2 (a fair coin)
> rolled via the AgoraBot in the Agora Nomic Discord Chat
> (https://discord.gg/a6T8knSKcf), the following happens according to
> its result:
> -If it’s a 1, Cuddlebeam becomes the Puppeteer
> -If it’s a 2, cuddlybanana becomes the Puppeteer
> ----------
> History:
> 05 Jun 19:14 2021: contract created by Cuddlebeam
> 05 Jun 19:17 2021: Cuddlybanana became a party
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Jumblebeam Deal" (initial revision)
> Parties: Cuddlebeam, Jumble
> ----------
> Cuddlebeam and Jumble are the only people that can become parties to
> this contract.
> There are three consecutive periods of time: the Jumblepuppet Period,
> the Cuddlepuppet Period, and the End Period. The Jumblepuppet Period
> begins when this contract is created. When an Economic Takeover
> happens, the Jumblepuppet Period ends and the Cuddlepuppet Period
> begins. When Cuddlebeam's Cosmic Debt is lowered to 0 or less, the End
> Period begins.
> Members to this contract cannot leave it unless it is the End Period.
> One or zero parties to this contract are the Puppeteer. If there is a
> Puppeteer, the other party is the Puppet. During the Jumblepuppet
> Period, if Jumble is a member this contract, they are the Puppet.
> During the Cuddlepuppet Period, Cuddlebeam is the Puppet. During the
> End Period there is no Puppet.
> The Puppeteer can act on behalf of the Puppet to:
> - Plan to Flip their Ministry Focus.
> - Grant their Ministry Focus' Grant to the Puppeteer.
> - Transfer 1 Victory Card from the Puppet to themselves, if the Puppet
> has gained a Victory Card by being granted it by the Ministor by
> virtue of R2624 and the Puppeteer has not done so since the last time
> that such an event has happened.
> Cuddlebeam has an amount of Cosmic Debt, which starts at 0. At the
> start of each month during the Jumblepuppet Period, Cuddlebeam's
> Cosmic Debt increases by 1.2 (that is, 6/5). At the start of each
> month during the Cuddlepuppet Period, Cuddlebeam's Cosmic Debt
> decreases by 1.
> The Puppet SHALL NOT plan to flip eir Ministry Focus or grant eir
> Ministry Focus's Grant, except as provided for in this contract. The
> Puppet SHALL NOT transfer or spend their last Victory Card, if they
> have been granted one by the Ministor by virtue of R2624 and the
> Puppeteer hasn’t used this contract to transfer it to themselves yet.
> ----------
> History:
> 15 Jun 22:18 2021: contract created by Cuddlebeam
> 15 Jun 22:27 2021: Jumble became a party
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Lee's Card Shop" (revision 2)
> Parties: R. Lee
> ----------
> Any player may join or leave this contract at any time, by announcement.
> Any party may act on behalf of R. Lee to execute the following transfers,
> after transferring the specified assets to R. Lee. If R. Lee or the buyer
> does not have any of the assets required to make a certain transfer, that
> transfer cannot be made.
> R. Lee can unilaterally add or subtract transfers to the following list at
> any time - but not in order to thwart a transfer in progress or already
> made.
> 1. R Lee gives 300 coins, R. Lee receives a Legislative Card
> 2. R. Lee gives a Victory Card, R. Lee receives 4000 coins
> 3. R. Lee gives 80 coins, R. Lee receives 2 pendants.
> 4. R. Lee gives a Legislative Card, R. Lee receives a Victory Card.
> ----------
> History:
> 16 Jun 01:20 2021: contract created by R. Lee
> 16 Jun 01:24 2021: contract amended by R. Lee
> 16 Jun 01:33 2021: Jason became a party
> 16 Jun 03:35 2021: Jason ceased to be a party
> 18 Jun 08:29 2021: contract amended by R. Lee
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Now We Nomic" (initial revision)
> Parties: Cuddlebeam
> ----------
> All other Now We Nomic rules besides this one are repealed upon this rule
> becoming a Now We Nomic rule. This rule is known as the Sole Rule. Now We
> Nomic is an Agoran Contract by the same name, but is also a nomic.
> Cuddlebeam is the sole player of this nomic, and they can amend Now We
> Nomic via an Agoran announcement. For the purposes of interpreting Now We
> Nomic as a nomic, Cuddlebeam is the sole player who can deliver such
> interpretation via any means they deem convenient.
> ----------
> History:
> 25 Jul 12:53 2021: contract created by Cuddlebeam
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "The Pointkeepor" (initial revision)
> Parties: G.
> ----------
> G. controls this contract and can do whatever with it, including amend
> it by announcement.  No one else CAN join it.
> Points are a currency backed by this contract.  G. CAN create points in
> the contract and CAN transfer points from the contract.  Points are
> tracked in a quarterly report by the Pointkeepor's Assistant (G.).
> ----------
> History:
> 24 Aug 00:09 2021: contract created by G.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "contract with cuddlybananaq" (initial revision)
> Parties: R. Lee, cuddlybanana
> ----------
> R. Lee is a party, Cuddlybanana may become a party at any time.
> Any party CAN act on behalf of another party to transfer 2 justice cards to
> emselves if they combine 4 justice cards into 10 blot-b -gones and transfer
> 5
> blot-b-gones. to the other party in the same message.
> Any party can destroy this contract by announcement after the above has
> been completed
> ----------
> History:
> 05 Sep 15:33 2021: contract created by R. Lee
> 05 Sep 15:42 2021: cuddlybanana became a party
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ========================================================================
> This report shall be continued in a separate message, containing
> pledges and promises.
> --
> ATMunn
> friendly neighborhood notary :)

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