Jason wrote:

On 8/19/21 23:03, Trigon via agora-discussion wrote:

        If, when taking actions within a scope, the performing player
        prohibits partial successes, if one action within the scope
        would fail, then all actions within the scope fail.

This seems like it could lead to paradoxes. Consider, in a scope with
partial successes prohibited, "I do <something successful>. If that
succeeded, I do <something failing>, otherwise I do <something successful>."

I don't think it would. It would evaluate as follows:
  * Action 1 = "I do <something successful>."
  * Action 2 = "If that succeeded, I do <2a>, otherwise I do <2b>".
  * Action 1 is evaluated as succeeding.
  * Action 2 is evaluated as attempting 2a and failing.
  * Now the scope clause applies, so it throws out all of the above and
      instead declares that they all fail, and no further interpretation
      of those actions is attempted. They're just all ineffective, same
      as if they had been sent to a-d.

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