On 7/22/2021 3:01 PM, ais523 via agora-discussion wrote:
> On Thu, 2021-07-22 at 14:53 -0700, Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion wrote:
>> Proto: dating standards
>> Amend Rule 478 (Fora) by replacing:
>>    performed at the time date-stamped on that message
>> with:
>>    performed at the earliest credible time date-stamped on that message
>> ["earliest" because that's closest to hitting the send key, "credible" to
>> make it clear that it's a matter of evidence not logic.  In practice, this
>> means go with the Date: field unless there's evidence that it's not
>> credible in some way, in which case go with the next earliest - likely the
>> first forum stamp].
> This allows for 100% risk-free timing scams by sending at midnight and
> datestamping at 23:59. That's probably unavoidable, though, and may
> well not even be a bad thing.

I should have highlighted this point, so thanks - yes it doesn't solve
that specific weakness, but may be the least bad compromise option towards
that - with the added note that (given the importance of reputation around
here) "credible" can relate to the sender as well: "wait e's done that
really suspicious timing thing 3 times now."

In practice, the main scam gain for backdating by a few seconds is to act
with knowledge on other people's last minute actions?  And those other
peoples' actions, when sent legitimately, would still take a few min delay
past deadline before you see them.  So I suspect to get any real in-game
advantage, you'd need to delay a few minutes which would put the
backdating into the suspicious range.


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