I've adjusted my amendment to address Telna's concern that someone can just cash in on a bunch of past weeks with fake reports.
My proposed new text is at the bottom of this email. Summary of changes from current version: * Replace the Weekly Assignment with a more flexible "dibs" mechanism. Now you can just say "I call dibs on next week", "I call dibs on this week", "I call dibs on the week before last", etc. Under the current text, you can only claim this week, and that's done through a weird mechanism (taking the "Weekly Assignment" from the contract). * Rewards are no longer inflation-protected: you get "Coins Owed" worth 1 coin each instead of "Credits" which are always worth 5 boatloads. The inflation protection was unintentional, and caused the contract to keep running out of money for a while. * Weekly reports are now voluntary, like with the Obstructive Pooling contract. (To see how this works: look for my "10 Decireports" emails where I become the Accountant of Obstructive Pooling just long enough to publish the report.) It was getting annoying having to keep publishing weekly reports during the recent idle period. * The amendment process now ejects non-consenting players before amendments are applied. You can also view the diffs, in two parts: 1. Current vs. original amendment: https://hub.darcs.net/falsifian/misc-pub/patch/33b7503bad6b3f37a02533bf4f0cb19be52f4542 2. Original amendment vs. the version below: https://hub.darcs.net/falsifian/misc-pub/patch/2cc8545ce197836b8f8ad465f9da2bee08865631 { Purpose: support the documentation of Agoran events in a way that informs current players and non-players and also supports future research. -- Joining and leaving -- Parties to this contract are called Reportors. Any person CAN join or leave this contract by announcement. -- Reporting -- A Weekly Report is a summary of notable events for a given Agoran Week. Notability, and what must be included in a summary, are at the author's discretion. Any player can Report on a past Agoran week by publishing a Weekly Report for it, as long as all the following are true: * No other player has dibs on that week, as described in this contract. * No other Weekly Report has been published for that week. * It's at most one year in the past. -- Gratitude -- When a player has Reported on an Agoran Week but has not yet been Thanked for that report, any player CAN Thank them for it: - by announcement, if the thanker has not Thanked anyone yet this month; or - by Agoran Consent. -- Dibs -- Any player can call dibs on a specified week by announcement. That player then has dibs on that week, unless another player already had it. A player can release dibs on a week by announcement: then they no longer have dibs. When a player's continuously had dibs on a week for 14 days, e automatically releases dibs on that week. -- Payment -- Coins Owed are a currency. Whenever a player is Thanked (as defined in this contract), e earns 5 boatloads of Coins Owed. Whenever this contract owns at least N Coins (for any nonnegative integer N), any player CAN transfer N Coins from this contract to emself by paying a fee of N Coins Owed. To "Redeem N Coins Owed" is to pay N Coins Owed to transfer N Coins from this contract to oneself. -- Conversion -- Credits are a currency. If any Credits exist, each Credit is immediately replaced with 5 Boatloads of Coins Owed (with the same owner). In particular, this happens immediately after the contract is first amended to include this provision. -- Accounting -- Any player can become The Editor or cease being The Editor by announcement. In other words, The Editor is the last person to claim the role, if e has not left it since. The Editor is the recordkeepor for Coins and Credits. -- Amendment -- Any Reportor can propose an amendment to this contract by announcement. If an amendment was proposed at least 2 days ago, at least two thirds (rounded up) of all Reportors consent to it, and it has not yet been applied, then any Reportor can enact it by announcement. When it is enacted, first, non-consenting players cease to be parties to this contract, and then it is applied. } -- Falsifian