Given G. Has pledged not to moot this, we should all act as though it
doesn't exist.
On Mon, Jun 21, 2021, 9:50 AM Jason Cobb via agora-official <> wrote:

> I perform the following actions if the referenced referendum exists:
> ============================
> ID    Title       Result
> -------------------------
> 8573  The Device  ADOPTED
> I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals.
> The quorum for all below decisions was 3.
> ================
> Strength is 3 unless otherwise noted.
> *: player has voting strength 8
> <: player has voting strength 13
> =========
> PROPOSAL 8573 (The Device)
> FOR (5): G.*, Jason, Murphy, R. Lee, Trigon
> AGAINST (1): Falsifian
> PRESENT (0):
> AI (F/A): 20/3 (AI=1)
> [
> Trigon: Endorsement of G.
> ]
> The full text of each ADOPTED proposal is included below:
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8573
> Title: The Device
> Adoption index: 1
> Author: G.
> Co-authors: Murphy
> [inspired by Rules 2192-2193, "The Monster", by Murphy]
> Enact a Rule "The Device" with the following text:
>       When the device is on:
>         * click - hummmmmmm
>       When the device is off:
>         * whirrrrrr - THUNK
> Enact a Rule "The Mad Engineer" with the following text:
>       The Mad Engineer is an office; its holder is responsible for
>       building and maintaining the Device.  The device is a
>       singleton switch with values off (default) and on.  The Mad
>       Engineer CAN flip the device to either on or off with Agoran
>       Consent; any other player CAN do so with 2 Agoran Consent.
>       The Mad Engineer CAN act on behalf of
>       the device to take any action that the device may take, and
>       SHALL act on behalf of the device to ensure that the device
>       fulfills all of its duties.
>       The Mad Engineer's weekly duties include the performance of the
>       following tasks, in order:
>       a) Randomly select exactly one rule.  If the selected rule is
>          either this rule or the rule "The Device", then
>          007 has been spotted near the self-destruct button; skip
>          directly to proposal submission.
>       b) Select one or more contiguous sentences from the selected
>          rule.
>       c) Select exactly one noun from the selected text, and replace
>          each instance of that noun with "Device" (including
>          grammatical variations, e.g. replacing "<noun>'s" with
>          "Device's").
>       d) Announce intent to, with Agoran Consent, cause this rule
>          to amend the rule "The Device" by inserting the modified
>          text as the last list item in either the "device on" or
>          "device off" lists in that rule (or, if 007 has been
>          spotted, to repeal both that rule and this one).
>          This intent announcement counts as the Mad Engineers's weekly
>          report.
>       If the announcement of intent above is made with the procedure
>       described above, the Mad Engineer CAN, with Agoran Consent, cause
>       this rule to amend the rule "The Device" as indicated, and SHALL
>       do so if the intent receives sufficient support.
> G. becomes the holder of the office of Mad Engineer.
> An election for Mad Engineer is initiated.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

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