On 2021-06-18 03:03, BigBobBingo ! via agora-business wrote:
I plan to set my Focus to Legacy.
I create the following contract called "Joebeam Deal":
Cuddlebeam and Joe are the only people that can become parties to this
One or zero parties to this contract are the Puppeteer. If there is a
Puppeteer, the other party is the Puppet. Cuddlebeam, if they are a party,
are the Puppeteer.
The Puppeteer can act on behalf of the Puppet to:
- Plan to Flip their Ministry Focus.
- Grant their Ministry Focus' Grant to the Puppeteer.
- Transfer 1 Victory Card from the Puppet to themselves, if the Puppet has
gained a Victory Card by being granted it by the Ministor by virtue of
R2624 and the Puppeteer has not done so since the last time that such an
event has happened.
The Puppet SHALL NOT plan to flip eir Ministry Focus or grant eir Ministry
Focus's Grant, except as provided for in this contract. The Puppet SHALL
NOT transfer or spend their last Victory Card, if they have been granted
one by the Ministor by virtue of R2624 and the Puppeteer hasn’t used this
contract to transfer it to themselves yet.
In perpetuity?! There's no exit clause for this!