nix pointed out that the trick that allows you to cash your own
promise is a weird and counter-intuitive hack. This would allow people
to reclaim their own promises from the library more cleanly, and make
it the default behavior, while still allowing people to override it.

Title: I Want My Promise Back!
Adoption index: 2.2
Author: Aris
Co-authors: nix

Amend Rule 2618, "Promises", by inserting, after the text:

  The Library is an entity and CAN own promises. Any player CAN take
  a specified promise from the Library by announcement, provided e
  cashes the promise in the same message.

the text:

  The creator of a promise CAN take or revoke it from the Library by
  announcement, unless the promise's text unambiguously designates
  it as irrevocable.

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