> > Going further, would it make sense to include the one or two most recent
> > summaries at the bottom of the page? I'd be happy to make it a habit to 
> > update
> > it whenever someone publishes one. It could help show that we're active, 
> > give
> > the lazy reader a window into current gameplay, and give the curious 
> > something
> > to come back to check even if they don't feel like diving into the lists.
> This one I am tentatively for. I don't think that constantly updating the
> page is very nice though. Might you be convinced to add a "fresh" file which
> contains the most recent Reportor report in order to avoid this? This is
> what I do with the Treasuror subsite.
> -- 
> Trigon

I'm happy to add a fresh "latest" file, but I'm not sure we're talking
about the same thing. I was thinking of putting the text directly on
the homepage, so you can see the latest without clicking anything.


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