On Sun, Nov 22, 2020 at 08:13:27PM +0100, Jonatan Kilhamn via agora-discussion 
> I'm still not a player, and have no concrete plans for ever playing again.
> But I do feel a great comfort from seeing all the Agora traffic chugging
> along in the Forums tab of my gmail, so now that I'm legally changing my
> name and migrating to another account, I'm making sure to sign up with the
> new email as well.
> I don't know if the current ruleset has any protection of usernames at all,
> let alone those of previous players (I assume not), but it seems to me in
> the right spirit to send one last email from the old address, just to
> deliberately create a paper trail linking my old address to the new one. If
> I ever start playing again I'll be using Tiger, and I wouldn't want anyone
> doubting that I'm the same person. So: future emails from
> natalie.kilh...@gmail.com, signed Tiger, are indeed from me, the same
> biological person as sent all Tiger's emails from jonatan.kilh...@gmail.com.
> And in the miniscule chance this ever becomes relevant, let's muddy the
> waters by doing it only in agora-discussion.
> (By the way, I'm coming out as a trans woman, yay!)
> Thanks to Agora for being a wonderful thing to exist in the world!
> Best regards,
> Natalie
> -Tiger


jonatan.kilh...@gmail.com does appear in my monthly Registrar report of
past players. Would you like me to update it for future reports? (The
rules don't say anything about email addresses in that report.) Here's
the latest report as an example:



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