On 8/26/20 5:12 PM, Falsifian via agora-business wrote:
>> ID      Author(s)                AI    Title
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> 8490*   Jason                    3.0   Functional Emergency Regulations
> [Why wouldn't the regulations take effect? Isn't R2614's "Emergency 
> Regulations CAN..." enough? If not, the arcane requirement to explicitly 
> say they're taking effect seems like a bug with the rest of the ruleset, 
> not with R2614. Sorry, I'm feeling curmudgeonly today about the 
> complexity of our ruleset.]

I was thinking of this through the lens of regulated actions. The
regulations CAN do something but they are not provided a method to do so
(and are not taking effect to do so). Another argument is that we have a
whole framework for things that take effect, so it would be
counter-intuitive for something outside that framework to be taking
effect without any rules text to that end.

Jason Cobb

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