On 8/25/20 8:46 AM, Jason Cobb via agora-official wrote: > For each of Proposals 8488 and 8489, I hereby issue a humiliating public > reminder to each of the following slackers: > > omd, Aris, Gaelan, G., Cuddlebeam, nix, PSS, grok, Tyler, Zyborg, R. Lee, > Fred, Shelvacu, twg, D. Margaux, Baron von Vanderham, sukil, Telnaior. > Please feel humiliated.
So, I was going to have a script send this during the extended voting period (at the very end) as a little bit of malicious compliance, but I forgot to update the recipient from the test account to a-o. Feel free to point a finger; I deserve it. -- Jason Cobb