Side note to my side note: I misunderstood Gaelan's note. The hash
itself is completely random, I misread and though it was a hash /of/ a
value between 0 and 2^64-1 (a 64-bit value). As such, brute forcing with
all the world's ASICs would be on the order of 10^60 seconds, or 10^50

On 8/13/20 10:57 PM, shelvacu via agora-business wrote:
> Argument for FALSE:
> Rule 1742 says that
> "The portion of a contract's provisions that can be interpreted with
> reference only to information that is either    publicly or generally
> available are known as its body; the remainder of the provisions are
> known as the annex."
> and
> "A party to a contract CAN perform any of the following actions as
> explicitly and unambiguously permitted by the contract's *body*."
> Because the integer x specified in the contract is information that is
> not publicly or generally available, all portions that depend on it are
> an "annex". Thus, revoking 5 coins was not effective because no part of
> the contract's body allowed it.
> While the contract states that "The Eligible Revocation can be
> calculated as follows", that is simply not true. What is provided is a
> way to /verify/ the Eligible Revocation. While theoretically 'x' could
> be found via brute force has exactly one correct value, the process of
> finding that integer would require resources that are certainly not
> publicly or generally available.
> Side note: I was going to add "... and does not exist on this earth" in
> reference to what resources would be required, but I remembered that
> bitcoin exists, and because of it so do large amounts of heavily
> optimized ASICs that compute SHA256. I decided to do the calculation to
> check. shows the average
> hashrate of the bitcoin network peaked at 126.941 petahashes/s (that's
> right, /peta-/). At that rate (that is, if everyone in the world
> currently running a bitcoin miner instead switched to finding Gaelan's
> number), it would take */145 seconds! /*That's it!
> On 8/13/20 8:15 PM, Gaelan Steele via agora-business wrote:
>> I create and become a party the following contact, titled "Somewhat Annoying 
>> Experiment": {
>> The Eligible Revocation can be calculated as follows:
>> Let x be the lowest integer that, represented as a decimal number in ASCII, 
>> has the SHA256 hash 
>> 9b722e5d98390e12c7f29dc74d30a52f2c152a35fd47f9614e35f235e025b085.
>> The Eligible Revocation is x % 10 (where % is the modulo operator).
>> This contract accepts any transfers of assets.
>> A party to this contract can, by announcement, revoke a number of coins in 
>> its possession exactly equal to the Eligible Revocation.
>> Gaelan can, by announcement, transfer assets owned by this contract to 
>> emself.
>> }
>> I transfer 10 coins to the above contract.
>> I revoke 5 coins in that contract's possession by announcement. [No Faking 
>> disclaimer: this may not work]
>> CfJ: {Somewhat Annoying Experiment has exactly 5 coins.}
>> Note: The SHA256 hash above is a random 64-bit value. While I believe there 
>> must exist a lowest number with that hash (there is an infinite number of 
>> integers, but a finite number of possible SHA256 hashes), I don't believe it 
>> can be determined other than by brute force. This follows from a discussion 
>> in the Discord about whether or not we have any limits on computational 
>> complexity of contracts.
>> Gaelan

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