Good luck and have fun to all!
On 7/9/2020 7:56 PM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus via agora-official
It is now 00:00 UTC on July 10, 2020, so the first official negotiating
phase now begins.
There are currently a few proposals open, which I reproduce here:
"Team Play" by Aris
Amend Diplonomic Rule 7 to read in full:
7. Contestants may seek the assistance of non-Contestants. If any do so,
they SHALL notify the Judge and publicly announce the identities of any
such non-Contestants and what assistance they will provide. This could
include negotiating on eir behalf, providing feedback on orders, or
drafting proposals on eir behalf. Any notifications given under the
former section 7 of the Birthday Tournament regulations are considered
to have fulfilled this section of the Diplonomic 2020 rules.
A contestant CAN, by announcement, cause a person who consents to become
or cease to be eir teammate, provided the person is not another contestant
or the teammate of another contestant. Designating someone as a teammate
is considered a notification that the teammate may assist the contestant
in any manner. When these rules provide for certain contestants to win by
a certain method, the Gamemaster CAN include their teammates and SHALL do
so unless it is eir opinion that extraordinary circumstances render it
against the best interest of the tournament. Teammates are encouraged to
lie to and cheat other teams, and SHALL NOT engage in any behaviors
of the tournament intended to influence its course; however, they
betray their teams.
omd's Proposal #1
In the following passage of Diplonomic rule 15, change "24:00” to “18:00”:
At the beginning of each turn, there is a period, lasting from 0:00
UTC until 24:00 UTC on the same calendar day, in which negotiations
should occur.
[This moves 6 hours from the negotiation period to the order-submitting
period, making both 18 hours long, rather than 24 and 12 respectively.
The goal is to make it easier to avoid accidentally missing the
order-submitting period, even if large chunks of it are taken up by,
e.g., sleeping hours or work hours.]
"Order Clarification" by ATMunn
Amend Diplonomic Rule 17 to read in full:
17. There are four possible orders: Hold, Move, Support, and Convoy. Not
giving a unit an order is interpreted as ordering it to hold.
A Hold order orders a unit to stay where it is.
A Move order orders a unit to move to a different province. Armies can
only move onto adjacent inland or coastal provinces. Fleets can only
move to adjacent water or coastal provinces. A Move order making use of
a Convoy must specify what Convoy paths it will use or conditionals to
determine such.
Support orders help another unit's action, whether or not it is a unit
of the same Great Power. An Army or Fleet can provide support to another
Army or Fleet. Support can be offensive or defensive. A unit cannot
support an order to or on a province which the supporting unit could not
move to itself.
A Convoy order orders a fleet in a water province to move an army from
an adjacent coastal province to another adjacent coastal province.
Multiple fleets may be used to convoy the same army, allowing an army to
be convoyed over multiple water provinces. If any fleet involved in a
convoy is dislodged, the convoy fails.
"Voting Fixes" by Aris
Amend Diplonomic Rule 8 to read in full:
8. At any time, any Contestant CAN submit a Proposal to change these
rules by announcement. Any Contestant CAN withdraw any Proposal e has
submitted by announcement. When a Proposal has been submitted but not
withdrawn, any Contestant CAN privately send a vote to the Judge, or
withdraw eir previous vote. When a Proposal has received a number of
non-withdrawn votes in favor greater than half the number of Contestants,
the Judge SHALL, in a timely fashion, and CAN enact the proposal by
publishing the new text of the rules and the number of votes in favor
and against. The Judge SHALL NOT reveal the votes of specific
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