On 7/3/20 9:32 PM, Fred via agora-discussion wrote:
> I have four midterms this coming week so I'll hold off this time around.
> Thank you for the invite though!
> Generally speaking, are tournaments a good way to get a feel for things?

Tournaments are fairly rare events. This one is in celebration of 
Agora's 27th birthday. I'm not sure how well it'd help you learn Agora 
in general since it has its own sub rules.

Besides the tournament we also have a bit of an economy going right now. 
When you got your Welcome Package you got some cards (1 each of 
Legislative, Victory, Judicial, and Voting). You can pay a set of 1-4 
cards to get items related to those fields. You also have 10 coins. You 
can buy/sell/trade with other players to get more cards.

There's also quite a few Contracts to interact with right now. Most but 
not all have something to do with the Cards. You can join whichever ones 
seem interesting to you. They're listed here: 

Prime Minister, Webmastor, NAX Exchange Manager

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