On Mon, 22 Jun 2020 at 19:42, James Cook <jc...@cs.berkeley.edu> wrote:
On Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 12:00 PM ATMunn via agora-business <
agora-busin...@agoranomic.org> wrote:

I feel like I vaguely recall this being discussed at some point
previously, but I thought I would go for it anyways.

I initiate a Call for Judgement on the following statement: "If a player
dies unbeknownst to all persons involved in Agora, e is still a person."

Rule 869 states that
        Any organism that is generally capable of freely originating and
        communicating independent thoughts and ideas is a person. Rules to
        the contrary notwithstanding, no other entities are persons.

If someone dies, e is no longer capable of freely originating and
communicating independent thoughts and ideas; therefore, e is not a
person. FALSE.

...but if nobody knows that e died, then e has to still be a person. We
can't assume without proof that anyone is dead and declare em not a
person. So PARADOXICAL? Maybe?

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

On Mon, 22 Jun 2020 at 02:05, Rebecca via agora-discussion
<agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:

Past discussions:

It came up in the discussion thread "The Very Worst Thing That Could
Possibly Happen (Attn. Distributor)" in Jan-Feb. Maye start at

 From that thread, this Oct 2018 thread "What if a player dies?" was
linked, with the comment that discussion petered out with no

- Falsifian

Maybe worth also mentioning: back in February I tried to patch over
this problem with Proposal 8328, The Eternal Sprit [sic... didn't
notice the typo until now]

Proposal text was 'Amend Rule 869 by replacing the text "is a person"
with "is forever a person".' Final F/A was 21/12 for AI 3.0.


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