What's the Annabel Crisis?

On Fri, Jul 3, 2020 at 7:20 PM Kerim Aydin via agora-official <
agora-offic...@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> status: https://faculty.washington.edu/kerim/nomic/cases/#3854
> (This document is informational only and contains no game actions).
> ===============================  CFJ 3854  ===============================
>       If a player dies unbeknownst to all persons involved in Agora, e
>       is still a person.
> ==========================================================================
> Caller:                        ATMunn
> Judge:                         Murphy
> Judgement:                     DISMISS
> ==========================================================================
> History:
> Called by ATMunn:                                 22 Jun 2020 01:59:55
> Assigned to Murphy:                               22 Jun 2020 14:47:24
> Judged DISMISS by Murphy:                         28 Jun 2020 18:32:18
> ==========================================================================
> Caller's Arguments:
> Rule 869 states that
>        Any organism that is generally capable of freely originating and
>        communicating independent thoughts and ideas is a person. Rules to
>        the contrary notwithstanding, no other entities are persons.
> If someone dies, e is no longer capable of freely originating and
> communicating independent thoughts and ideas; therefore, e is not a
> person. FALSE.
> ...but if nobody knows that e died, then e has to still be a person. We
> can't assume without proof that anyone is dead and declare em not a
> person. So PARADOXICAL? Maybe?
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Gratuitous Arguments by R. Lee:
> https://faculty.washington.edu/kerim/nomic/cases/?3411
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Judge Murphy's Arguments:
> Per the precedent of my previous judgement of CFJ 3411, I still do not
> consider myself qualified to judge whether a dead once-a-person still
> exists in some sense that would qualify as "person" here.
> It seems reasonable to assume that their no-longer-functional body
> doesn't qualify, and neither does the portion of anyone else's mind that
> continues to roughly emulate what their mind was like (fails the
> "independent" part).
> But if their mind remains directly functional in some other sense, then
> arguably that should still qualify as an "organism", and by definition
> it would still be capable of freely originating independent thoughts and
> ideas, and presumably also communicating them. (To whom? Can we
> communicate with members of an uncontacted tribe, for instance? Surely
> not within reasonable effort.)
> If someone dies but we don't know about it, then we simply remain in
> Platonic error until/unless we implement an independent fix, similar to
> the Annabel Crisis. It would be a good idea to implement such a fix here
> (hopefully) well ahead of it actually becoming relevant.
> ==========================================================================

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