On 7/1/2020 11:51 AM, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 1, 2020 at 12:59 AM omd wrote:
>> I haven’t looked at the wording in detail yet, but “by notice” is
>> confusingly similar to “with notice” (i.e. dependent actions).
> Other suggestions? It doesn't seem confusing to me, but if someone can come
> up with something that makes sense to me I'll do that instead.
> -Aris

datapoint: when reading the draft I also thought it would be very
confusing.  I think changing the current "with notice" to "with warning"
would be better than changing "Notice of XXXX" to something else - Notices
of xxxx are less used now but have a longer history.  People who have
joined since With Notice was a thing may think differently (and the price
is probably mistakes in intent messages for a while).


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