On 6/23/2020 1:21 PM, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 1:16 PM Jason Cobb via agora-discussion <
> agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
>> On 6/23/20 4:13 PM, ATMunn via agora-business wrote:
>>> I publish the following Notice of Honour:
>>>    +1 Agora (Agora has negative karma right now)
>>>    -1 Unspecified Behavior (for being suspicious and mysterious and
>> weird)
>> Does this actually "Specify any other player or Agora to lose karma"? We
>> have no idea who "Unspecified Behavior" is, so this arguably fails at
>> "specifying" a player.
> I'm not sure about this, but here's a counter-argument. You have no clue
> who Aris or ATMunn or Falsifian is either. You have more information about
> them, such as their dates of registration. That being said, there's no
> particular reason why the information you have attributed to those names
> somehow makes those them Canonical Player Names with magical properties.
> Unspecified Behavior is Unspecified Behavior, the same way I'm Aris and
> ATMunn is ATMunn.

counter to that:  we have a standard that identifying a player is done
through eir registrar information (either nickname or email address as
contained in the message or headers) because the registrar is literally
"responsible for keeping track of players", so anything that doesn't tie
to one of those bits of "tracking data" is ambiguous.  (this is one of
those "I can't remember if it was a cfj or just a discussion" things)


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