On 6/18/2020 4:21 PM, nch via agora-discussion wrote:
On 6/18/20 2:05 PM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus via agora-discussion
On 6/18/20 2:56 PM, nch via agora-discussion wrote:
Here's my first draft of regulations for management of the github.
Feedback appreciated.
# Github Owners
A Github Owner is a person who is listed as an owner of the Agora
organization on Github. There should be 3 Github Owners at any time.
Should the Webmastor count against this limit? My instinct would be to
have them be supernumerary.
Well for one 3 is just a more pleasing number than 4, which is very
important. Practically tho, I don't imagine it makes a big difference.
You could just say "There should be 3 Github Owners at any time, not
including the Webmastor."
friendly neighborhood notary here :)