R. Lee wrote:

Just join the plunder partnership, anyone can and it'll give you a cut

On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 10:14 AM Edward Murphy via agora-discussion <
agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:

R. Lee wrote:

Once again, I intend to transfer a victory card and a legislative card
the L&F department to me, without objection.

Right, IIRC this is just recovery from Combinotron.

I intend to transfer 500 coins from the L&F department to the plunder
partnership, without objection

This one, though, is it just 'because we can, if no one stops us'? Which
of course is what you'd expect the Plunder Partnership to do, but you'd
also expect others to want to be cut in on the take. (I really should
go through these contracts and see about joining one or two.)

Except I can't, because I'm in Davy Jones' Locker. Now if it was amended
to "has not objected to such a transfer within the last N days" then
that would be different.

Then there's the question of "should I keep objecting until/unless they
pledge to basically chip in and give me a x1.1 share". (Reasons for
answering no: they might wait it out in case you miss dealing with mail
for a bit; they might do it and then break the pledge; others might pile
on until no one gets anything.)

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