Cuddlebeam wrote:
> G. wrote:
>> Cuddlebeam wrote:
>>> Small survey for who is aiming for Victory Cards/Points because barring a
>>> scam surprising us, it’s going to be way harder to win if someone has to
>>> compete with someone else to get that 20 VP margin.
>>> I personally would like to aim for VPs, but if anyone else is, I don’t
>> mind
>>> making a deal with them or just conceding the race in exchange for coins
>> or
>>> other stuff.
>> The fact that a VP win resets the whole economy means there may be
>> significant pressure to stop it even from those who aren't trying to win.
>> "Winning" by VPs is effectively economic revolution (destroys any existing
>> oligarchy and makes everyone equal again).
>> (I'm not committing to any strategy personally right now, just pointing
>> that out - far to early to commit to a particular strategy).
> Not the whole economy? It doesn’t reset Coins or cross-reset debts in
> Contracts
If I were a trader or trying to run a trading system, having assets
destroyed when there's outstanding debts sounds like a nightmare.  If I
doing that, I'd be actively going for stability by destroying every VC/VP
I could lay my hands on (and I'd better have some "in case of win"
language in my contract).

This could be interesting...

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