On Sunday, 14 June 2020, 13:26:34 GMT+1, nch via agora-discussion 
<agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> I did some updates to the homepage, keeping it mostly the same as it
> was. I bolded most (missed a couple that will be fixed next time I
> update it) of the numbers and dates we should be updating regularly both
> to catch visitors' eyes and to shame us into fixing them when they get
> stale.

Note that the count of rules enacted can be hard to measure, as some ID numbers 
were never used (e.g. 299), and in some old rulesets, amending a rule changed 
its ID number. So the correct total number of rules enacted, as listed on the 
web page, is likely to be somewhat less than the "current rule ID number". I'm 
not sure what an appropriate safety margin for this would be.


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