On 2020-06-13 19:27, nch via agora-discussion wrote:
* What should be on the main page? [it's pretty outdated now, and I feel
like it could use a facelift and some new copy]

I echo everything that people have already requested.

* What kinds of tips should go on a New Player page?

It might be useful to explain the "Mother, May I" terms. I got a bit confused about all those capital-letter CANs and SHALLs as a beginner. Not the most useful thing in the world but it might clarify the difference between regular can and capital CAN.

* What online resources do you use the most?

I reference the SLR pretty much daily. Occasionally the CFJ archive. The Assessor's archive once every few weeks.

* What resources do you wish were online?

It would be nice if we had web copies of every officer's reports. It's ENCOURAGED right now, but only a few people do it (I wasn't even planning on it, in fact). My report requires lots of information from other officers, and searching through the archives is tedious.

* How do you access Agora? [your email's web client, a desktop client,
phone client]

Thunderbird for 95% of composition; the Gmail Android app the other 5%. I have my phone handy most of the time though, so those ratios are reversed when we're talking about flipping through new mail.

* Any tips or tricks that you use on the devices/software that you
access Agora through that you find indispensable?

Before I switched to OpenBSD a couple weeks back my Firefox install had all the archives bookmarked (both mail-archive and mailman). So nothing fancy, but having them a couple clicks away was useful. Speaking of which I need to get them back.

* Anything else that you think would help improve the web content?

I am going to add one thing to this discussion: I would like a list of active nomics. For some reason or another (probably that we're mentioned on the Nomic Wikipedia page) people can find Agora. Over in Infinite Nomic it's been a bit difficult recruiting people because they can't find Infinite Nomic easily. This has been a problem with other Nomics I've played before as well.

So I think it would be useful if we made a list of other nomics out there. Agora is the eldest and wisest of Nomic games; therefore I would argue that it is our duty to ensure the survival of Nomics any way we can, including publicizing the new ones. I remember reading some old rulesets and finding a rule that gave rewards for the discovery of new nomic-like games. Maybe we could bring that back? As a crowdfunded contract, perhaps.


Speaker and Treasuror of Agora; Former Rulekeepor (12 months) and Cartographor (8 months) of Agora; Champion of Agora by High Score and Proposal; Badge of the Salted Earth; Sixth-Longest Continually Registered Player of Agora; Player and former Emperor of BlogNomic; Player, Book-keeper, and originator of the Metaruleset of Infinite Nomic.

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