On 6/10/20 3:33 PM, Cuddle Beam via agora-business wrote:
>> Any new system always starts with the scams and exploits and rule
> lawyering
> And that's undesirable, yes? Well, good thing we're playing a nomic, so
> words basically have magical abstract powers - let's just ban scams on new
> stuff. How will people react? Who will say no to it? Who will say yes? I'm
> excited to see that, let's go baby:
> I submit the following Proposal AI-1, titled "Rule Infancy":
> ----
> Enact the following rule "Rule Infancy":
>   An Infant Rule is a Rule that has been added to the Ruleset within the
> last 90 days. Persons CANNOT perform a scam that relies on an Infant Rule.
> ----
> Is it ambiguous? Sort of, but actually not, because we have more than
> enough precedents in CfJs invoking the "(...) it is to be augmented by game
> custom, common sense (...)" clause in R217 that I don't believe I need to
> specify something so ubiquitous to Agora.

I don't have any idea if this works but it's funny enough to try.

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