On 6/10/2020 7:49 AM, Kerim Aydin wrote:
>> 8441e  nch, Trigon              1.0   Transmutation
> AGAINST.  From experience, once you add a way to get any card on your own
> (even if expensive) is lessens trading.


> Enact a new Power=1 rule titled "Transmutation" with the text:
>   A player CAN pay 3 Cards (syn. transmute) to earn a Card of a
>   specified type.

I'd like to highlight this one for discussion a bit more.  Part of the
interesting bit of a diverse economy is that you inevitably get some
commodities that are plentiful, and some that are rare.   A ratio of 3/1
is quite expected but maybe 4/1 or 5/1 makes it more interesting,
especially if you get into futures trading.

The above proposal would basically lock the exchange rate as 3/1 as a max
differential - well worse, because the cards traded in don't even have to
be a set.  I think that would homogenize the system and take away from the
diversity in strategies between players, that's the point of the whole

This one short sentence, if enacted, takes it from a trading and
commodities pricing game to just another individual farming game.

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