On Tue, Jun 9, 2020 at 9:04 PM Jason Cobb via agora-discussion
<agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> What follows is a proto-contract to provide independent dispute
> resolution for alleged contract violations. Like arbitration often is in
> the real world, this can be unfair and biased, and it lacks an appeals
> mechanism. On the bright side, this allows specifying penalties other
> than the Class-2 crime in the rules and it might take some workload off
> of the referee.
> I'm wondering two things: do people like this idea and would they
> actually consider using this in their contracts?

I like this idea, but I'm not sufficiently involved in the contract
business to know whether I'll ever use it.

> {
> This contract is known as the Agoran Arbitration Association, or as AAA.
> The purpose of this contract is to provide independent dispute
> resolution services for other contracts.
> A contract is opted-in to AAA if:
> - all of its members are party to this contract;
> - it specifies that all of its members consent to being party to this
> contract;
> - it contains phrasing that requires all of its members to be parties to
> this contract.

Are these connected by AND's or OR's?

> Each party to this contract consents to each other party acting on eir
> behalf to create blots when explicitly and unambiguous authorized by
> this contract.


> The Head Arbitrator is the person who is party to this contract has been
> party to this contract for the longest time. The Purse is a natural
> switch tracked by the Head Arbitrator.

The Head Arbitrator is the person who is party to this contract *who*
has been party to this contract for the longest time.

Additionally, should it be continuously or cumulatively?

> At least once per week, the Head Arbitrator SHALL publish a list of
> recently updated Arbitration Cases. In the same message, e CAN, by
> announcement, transfer up to N coins from this contract to emself, where
> N is the value of the Purse. When doing so, the Purse is decreased by
> the number of coins transferred.
> An Arbitration Case is a matter arising from an alleged violation of a
> contract. Arbitrator is an untracked switch possessed by Arbitration
> Cases with possible values of any party to this contract and
> "unassigned" (default). To assign an Arbitration Case to a person is to
> flip its Arbitrator to that person. State is an untracked switch
> possessed by Arbitration Cases with possible values "open" (default) and
> "closed".
> The following must be specified when creating an Arbitration Case: the
> relevant action, the relevant contract, and the alleged perpetrator.
> When an Arbitration Case is unassigned, the Head Arbitrator CAN by
> announcement, and SHALL in a timely fashion, flip its Arbitrator to any
> other value. The Arbitrator SHALL NOT assign an Arbitration Case to a
> person who has a manifest interest in the case, whether monetary or
> otherwise.
> A party to this contract CAN, by paying a fee of 5 coins to this
> contract, invoke arbitration, specifying:
> - an opted-in contract;
> - an alleged violation of that contract; and
> - the alleged perpetrator (who is a party to that contract).

Should we allow it to occur against people who are no longer parties
but were formerly parties?

> When arbitration is invoked, a new open Arbitration Case is created with
> the specified action, contract, and perpretrator, and the Purse is
> increased by 1.
> This section authorizes parties to act on behalf of other parties to
> create blots, and is the only section that does so.
> The Punishment Limit of an Arbitration Case is a number of blots
> specified by the relevant contract for the alleged violation, or 5
> otherwise.

Could we make it 4 otherwise to line up with the maximum unspecified
value in the rules?

> The Arbitrator of an open Arbitration Case CAN, and SHALL in a timely
> fashion after being assigned, resolve that Arbitration Case by publicly
> doing the following:
> - determining whether the action alleged to be a violation occurred;
> - if the action occurred, determining whether it violated the contract
> specified at initiation;

This needs a connecting conjunction.

> In the same message as e closes an Arbitration Case, and if e determined
> that the relevant action occurred and was a violation, the Arbitrator
> CAN cause the perpetrator to grant emself a specified number of blots
> that is between 0 and the Punishment Limit for that case.
> In a timely fashion after resolving an Arbitration Case, the Arbitrator
> for that case CAN once, by announcement, transfer 4 coins from this
> contract to emself.
> When an Arbitration Case is resolved, it becomes closed.
> }
> --
> Jason Cobb

How does one join this contract? I can't find any clause about it.
Also, is this contract opted in to itself?

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