I wanted to send along a small snippet of the economy thesis I'm working on to get feedback. My main questions are
1) What kind of information does everyone want for each economic system and 2) are the flowcharts good? Any other feedback also appreciated. Anyway, here it is: { =================== Summarized Timeline =================== 2000 Stems begins [1] 04/24/03 Stems Ends, Tabla Rasa Begins due to Proposal 4486 [2] 12/05/16 Shinies Begins ===== Stems ===== 2000-04/24/03 Description ----------------- The fungible currency, Stems, is given to players as a basic income and also give to officers. Players could belong to one of three groups, which gave them the ability to bid at one of three auctions, each corresponding to a different asset type: Papyrii, which allowed players to make their proposal distributable; Indulgences, which allowed players to remove penalties they've incurred; and Voting Entitlements, which gave players more voting power on proposals. [Basic Income, Office Income] -> Stems Stems -{Auction}-> Papyrii, Indulgences, Voting Entitlements Papyrii -> [Make a proposal distributable] Indulgences -> [Remove incurred penalties] Voting Entitlement -> [Have extra voting power] ========= Tabla Rasa ========= 04/24/03- Description ----------------- Tabla Rasa does not introduce any tradeable assets. Players gained two types of titles, Boons and Albatrosses, from positive and negative actions respectively. Once a quarter each player was given a budget of Kudos, which was calculated based off the number of Boons and Albatrosses each player had. Kudos were spent to perform many actions: making proposals distributable, removing blots, skipping timers for role changing, increasing eir own voting power, setting the chamber for a proposal, and so on. [(Positive) Rule Defined Action] -> Boon [(Negative Rule Defined Action] -> Albatross Once a quarter: Base+Boons-Albatrosses -> Kudos Kudos -> [make proposals distributable], [remove blots], [increase voting power], [change roles], [set proposal chambers] }