On 2020-05-24 15:44, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion wrote:
       An Associate of Nomic degree SHOULD be awarded for a thesis that adds
       appreciably to Agoran culture, but fails to qualify for another degree.
       Baccalaureate level degrees (which include the J.N) SHOULD be awarded 
       the thesis demonstrates a substantial contribution, Magisteriate degrees
       for a remarkable contribution, and Doctorate degrees for an exceptional
       contribution. Any degree at the Doctorate level SHOULD take into account
       the awardee's academic history and participation in Agora over time.

I'm not sure the majority of this paragraph is really necessary. This doesn't really add any more specificity to the system we already use. If you're intent on keeping it, though, maybe describe to what exactly the "contribution" should go. As it stands right now, though, I think it's unnecessary. The last sentence is good though; it gives more meaning to the Doctorate level and its standards.

       Artistry degrees SHOULD demonstrate substantial creativity, and need not
       be in written form.

Very good idea here with the Artistry degrees.

       All other degrees above the Associate level SHOULD
       demonstrate substantial research or analysis. J.N. and D.N.Law are
       appropriate for high-quality legal analysis, of the sort typical to CFJs,
       but exceeding an ordinary CFJ in depth. The D.N.Hist. degree is
       appropriate for historical research, especially when it presents a
       narrative that will educate Agorans about the events of the past.
       The D.N.Sci. degree is is appropriate for theses that demonstrate 
       or scientific thinking, whereas the D.N.Phil. is appropriate for theses
       that demonstrate abstract or philosophical thinking.

This makes more sense to include than the explanation of the lower degree levels because it actually iterates on our current system a bit, but I'm still not sure it's entirely necessary.

Overall, I do like the idea of this proposal, but maybe it could use some work. I am reminded, though, that I should probably get back to work on my thesis at some point.


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