Here's my weekly draft.


I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, the
quorum is 8, the voting method is AI-majority, and the valid
options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
conditional votes).

ID     Author(s)                AI    Title
8388f  nch                      1.0   The Webmastor
8389#  G.                       2.0   Just Impeach instead
8390*  R. Lee                   3.0   Registror
8391*  R. Lee                   3.0   Notory (Vote Labour)
8392#  Jason                    2.0   Prior violations
8393#  Aris                     2.0   Elections Aren't Over Till They End
8394#  Jason                    2.0   8228 retry
8395#  G., R. Lee               1.7   Mooting moots
8396*  grok, nch                3.0   a Proposed Contract
8397#  Jason                    1.1   Editorial what?
8398#  grok, G.                 1.0   Auction End Clarification
8399#  P.S.S.                   2.0   Referral
8400*  Murphy, nch, G.          3.0   More conservative implicit announcements
8401#  R. Lee                   1.0   E had two months!
8402#  R. Lee                   1.0   Clinton v City of New York

The proposal pool is currently empty.

Legend: <ID>* : Democratic proposal.
        <ID># : Ordinary proposal, unset chamber.
        <ID>e : Economy ministry proposal.
        <ID>f : Efficiency ministry proposal.
        <ID>j : Justice ministry proposal.
        <ID>l : Legislation ministry proposal.
        <ID>p : Participation ministry proposal.

The full text of the aforementioned proposal(s) is included below.

ID: 8388
Title: The Webmastor
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: nch

Enact a rule titled "The Webmastor" with Power=1 and the following text:

  The Webmastor is an office.

  The Webmastor's monthly report includes a Directory, a Changelog, a
  Warning Log, and an Error Log. The Directory lists notable
  currently maintained public resources. The Changelog lists notable
  changes to resources. The Warning Log lists notable potential
  issues, such as inaccurate or aging resources or unintended issues
  with a public resource. The Error Log lists notable losses of
  resources - where a resource has become inaccessible, unmaintained,
  or unusable. Where 'notable' is used in this rule its meaning is up
  to the Webmastor's discretion.

ID: 8389
Title: Just Impeach instead
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: G.

Amend Rule 2531 by deleting:
  If the Referee attempts to levy three or more INEFFECTIVE fines
  in a week, any player CAN, with two support, issue a writ of
  Impartial Arbitration Restoration, immediately making the
  position of Referee vacant. When a writ of Impartial Arbitration
  Restoration is issued, the ADoP SHALL initiate an election for
  the Referee in a timely fashion.

[context:  When this was written, there were very few protections in this
rule, and general impeachment didn't exist.  Now with the full list of
protections the Referee is pretty constrained, and impeachment exists.]

ID: 8390
Title: Registror
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: R. Lee

Retitle the rule 2139 "The Registrar" to "The Registror"
Amend each rule that contains the text "Registrar" by replacing that text
with "Registror"
(This informational segment in brackets has no legal effects. A list of
those rules as this proposal is written for your information is rules 869,
478, 2139, 1789, 2532, 2574, 1885, 2581)

ID: 8391
Title: Notory (Vote Labour)
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: R. Lee

Retitle rule 2608 "The Notary" to "The Notory"
Amend rules 2608 and 2450, and also any other rule that contains the text
"Notary", by replacing the word "Notary" with "Notory"

ID: 8392
Title: Prior violations
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Jason

Amend Rule 2531 by changing the list item labeled (2) to read, in its
entirety:  "(2) it attempts to levy a fine for an action or inaction
which, at the time the inaction or action occurred, was not prohibited
by the rules;"

[This ensures that, as long as an action violated the rules when it was
committed, it can be punished. For instance, the Assessor could commit a
crime immediately before resolving a proposal that changes the
definition of the crime. Currently, it's possible the Assessor could not
be punished, since the rules at the time of the fine being levied would
not prohibit the action, even if it was illegal at the time it occurred.]

ID: 8393
Title: Elections Aren't Over Till They End
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Aris

[This avoids the weirdness where having two candidates means new candidates
can join, but if there are fewer the winner is locked in at the end
of the nomination period. This way, new contenders can still join as
long as there's still room for them to change the outcome.]

Amend Rule 2154, "Election Procedure", by changing the text:

  "An election is contested if it has two or more candidates at the
   end of the nomination period, and uncontested otherwise. For a
   contested election, nominations close at the end of the poll's
   voting period. For an uncontested election, nominations close at
   the end of the nomination period."

to read:

  "An election whose nomination period is complete is contested if it has two
   or more candidates, and uncontested otherwise. Nominations close
   at the end of the poll's voting period or when the election is ended,
   whichever comes first."

ID: 8394
Title: 8228 retry
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Jason

[This was originally proposed and adopted in Proposal 8228, but it
failed due to a specification bug. Zombies holding offices should be
banned because it allows people to bypass restrictions on Officers
performing actions that benefit themselves.]

Amend Rule 2472 ("Office Incompatibilities") by inserting the following
paragraph after the paragraph beginning "A player is overpowered if e

  A zombie is Overpowered if e holds one or more offices.

ID: 8395
Title: Mooting moots
Adoption index: 1.7
Author: G.
Co-authors: R. Lee

Amend Rule 911 (Motions and Moots) by deleting all the text from "If a
CFJ has a judgement assigned, a player CAN enter that judgement into
Moot" to the end of the rule.

Amend Rule 911 (Motions and Moots) by appending:

  If a CFJ:

  * has a judgement assigned; and

  * the judgement has been in effect less than 28 days; and

  * the CFJ has had a Motion to Reconsider group-filed for it
    while it has been assigned to its current judge;

  then any player CAN remit the case with 2 Agoran Consent.
  The case becomes open again, and the current judge is recused.
  The Arbitor SHALL NOT assign em to the case again unless no
  other eligible judges have displayed interest in judging.

Change the title of R911 to "Judicial Reconsideration".

ID: 8396
Title: a Proposed Contract
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: G.

When this proposal takes effect, the following contract is created.
Voting FOR this proposal is considered contextual agreement to the

Contract: Cold Cash Lotto

This proposal CAN be terminated with Agoran Consent; non-parties are
not eligible to support or object to an intent to do so.  A non-party
CAN join this contract for a fee (payable to the contract) of 5 coins.

A party's Investment is 1 + the number of coins that party has ever
transferred to this contract.

If this contract has been in existence for 4 or more days, and no coins
have been transferred to the contract in the previous 24 hours, then
any party (hereafter the iceman) CAN Freeze the Pot by announcement.

Within 24 hours of freezing the pot, the iceman SHALL, using a public
and readily confirmable method, select a random party to win the
pot and announce the choice.  If e does not do so within 24 hours,
then any party CAN do so. The probabilities for the selection are
proportional to each party's investment at the time the pot was frozen.

Upon such a selection, this contract transfers all of its coins to the
selected winner.  After such a transfer, this contract ceases to exist.


100 coins are hereby granted to the Cold Cash Lotto Contract.

ID: 8397
Title: Editorial what?
Adoption index: 1.1
Author: Jason

Repeal rule 2599 (The Editor).

ID: 8398
Title: Auction End Clarification
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: grok
Co-authors: G.

Replace the first paragraph of rule 2551 Auction End with the following:

"An Auction ends immediately when any of the following conditions are met:

1. The auction was initiated 7 days ago.

2. The auction was initiated at least 96 hours ago, and it has been 96
hours since the most recent placement or withdrawal of a bid in that

3. The auction was initiated 96 hours ago and no bids have been placed
or withdrawn in that auction.

4. The auction is terminated."

ID: 8399
Title: Referral
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: P.S.S.

Amend Rule 2607, "Proposal Chambers", by appending the following paragraph:

  To refer a proposal to a ministry is to set the chamber of that
  proposal to the specified ministry.

ID: 8400
Title: More conservative implicit announcements
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Murphy
Co-authors: nch, G.

Amend Rule 478 (Fora) by appending this text:

  Stating that a person "CAN and SHALL" perform an action, without
  stating a method, implies "by announcement".

[R1023(1) already covers implicit "in a timely fashion".]

Amend Rule 2141 (Role and Attributes of Rules) by replacing this text:

  the Rulekeepor CAN and SHALL assign a title to it by announcement
  in a timely fashion.

with this text:

  the Rulekeepor CAN and SHALL assign a title to it.

Amend Rule 107 (Initiating Agoran Decisions) by replacing this text:

  The vote collector for a decision with less than two options
  CAN and SHALL end the voting period by announcement, if it has not
  ended already, and provided that e resolves the decision in the
  same message.

with this text:

  The vote collector for a decision with less than two options
  CAN and SHALL end the voting period, if it has not ended already,
  and provided that e resolves the decision in the same message.

Amend Rule 991 (Calls for Judgement) by replacing this text:

  When a CFJ's judge is unassigned, the Arbitor CAN assign any
  eligible player to be its judge by announcement, and SHALL do so
  in a timely fashion.

with this text:

  When a CFJ's judge is unassigned, the Arbitor CAN and SHALL assign
  any eligible player to be its judge.

Amend Rule 591 (Delivering Judgements) by replacing this text:

  When a CFJ is open and assigned to a judge, that judge CAN assign
  a valid judgement to it by announcement, and SHALL do so in a
  timely fashion after this becomes possible.

with this text:

  When a CFJ is open and assigned to a judge, that judge CAN and
  SHALL assign a valid judgement to it by announcement.

[Rules 2496 and 2602 use "CAN once" and "SHALL in an officially timely
fashion", so leaving those out for now.]

ID: 8401
Title: E had two months!
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: R. Lee

Repeal rule 2609 "Temporary CFJ setup"

ID: 8402
Title: Clinton v City of New York
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: R. Lee

Repeal rule 2597, "Line-item Veto"


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