On Wed, 20 May 2020 at 01:26, Kerim Aydin via agora-business <agora-busin...@agoranomic.org> wrote: > I submit the following proposal, "Mooting moots", co-author R. Lee, AI-1.7: > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > Amend Rule 911 (Motions and Moots) by deleting all the text from "If a > CFJ has a judgement assigned, a player CAN enter that judgement into > Moot" to the end of the rule. > > > Amend Rule 911 (Motions and Moots) by appending: > > If a CFJ: > > * has a judgement assigned; and > > * the judgement has been in effect less than 28 days; and > > * the CFJ has had a Motion to Reconsider group-filed for it > while it has been assigned to its current judge; > > then any player CAN remit the case with 2 Agoran Consent. > The case becomes open again, and the current judge is recused. > The Arbitor SHALL NOT assign em to the case again unless no > other eligible judges have displayed interest in judging. > > > Change the title of R911 to "Judicial Reconsideration". > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Why the third requirement? What if someone notices a problem with a judgement 10 days after it's assigned, and there was no motion to reconsider? I had been under the impression that the current case of CFJ 3831 is sort of like that, since I don't remember people disagreeing with the judgement until somewhat later. Are cases ever re-opened by proposal, when other methods are expired or exhausted? - Falsifian