On Mon, 18 May 2020 at 05:40, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion
<agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> Here's a proto I tossed together in an evening for a budget system.
> This could, in theory, be adopted now and wouldn't particularly do
> very much apart from allowing for funding of special projects (though
> it would allow for a somewhat absurd amount of funding; I imagine most
> of it would go to rebates). This makes more sense if we're going to
> require all officers to make the payments for the things they need
> (e.g. rewards, paydays) out of incoming funds, creating a potential
> need for taxes. This goes well with economically focused gameplay.
> It's perfectly compatible with sets stuff since coins are still going
> to be somewhat important as the precursor for specialized currencies.
> Presumably, we'd want to allow for some coins to enter the market
> *somewhere*, to allow for healthy inflation.
> I won't be too offended if this isn't well-received. I think it's
> interesting to consider though, at least as an option.
> -Aris

I had been thinking it would be fun to restrict the creation of Coins
and see what kind of dynamics develop. I like your proposal.

One nitpick: I found your Budget Regulations rule a bit confusing,
since it refers to budgets as absolute amounts of money without
specifying a frequency. Is the attention that the numbers get fixed
each time a Tabulation of the Budget is reported, and limit the amount
that can be appropriated until the next Tabulation of the Budget?

- Falsifian

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