On 5/14/2020 11:48 AM, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion wrote:
> So, the MUD appears to have flopped. The primary reason is that I
> didn't do anything past setting it up, which is totally on me.
> Anything one else have thoughts or analyses?
> -Aris

Visited twice I think? Didn't see anything happening, and also thought
"don't have the brainspace to learn this flavor of MUD coding right now,
I'll see if anyone else does" (the first time) and "I guess nobody is"
(the second time).

I think the coding is secondary, at least to start, but if I'd seen anyone
to chat with I would have hung around?  But then the IRC channel was very
active years ago and died off due to similar lack of a critical mass there
(I think?  Haven't visited in a couple years and it was pretty dead last
time I did).


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