On 4/9/2020 3:14 PM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus wrote:
>       At the beginning of each quarter, half (rounded down) of each
>       fugitive's blots are destroyed.
> with:
>       At the beginning of each quarter, the Referee CAN and SHALL in a
>       timely fashion, by announcement, expunge half (rounded down) of
>      each fugitive's blots.

So we recently went the opposite way for honour (from manual to automatic)
in the last paragraph of R2510.  The way clauses like the bottom one are
written, if you forget to do it in the time limit, you lose the ability to
do it at all (because the CAN is "CAN within the time limit").  After the
Herald (me at the time) forgot twice in a row, we made it automatic.

But of course the automatic version is easily forgotten in the first
report after the quarter, and then failure-to-note-the-adjustment
self-ratifies as not having happened.

I think the best answer might be "CAN by announcement once per quarter,
and SHALL in a timely fashion after the quarter begins"?


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