I vote
8357p  G.                       1.0   Homework extension fail
8358j  Jason, Alexis            2.0   No zombie blot creation v2
8359p  Alexis                   1.0   Karmic Linkage
8360*  Alexis                   3.0   Social Distancing
8361*  Aris, Alexis             3.0   Fix Emergencies
8362*  Aris                     3.0   Recurring Emergencies
8363e  Warrigal                 1.0   Somebody gets a coin
8364*  Aris                     3.0   Mint Regulations
8365*  Aris                     3.0   Emergency Termination Notice

On Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 12:52 PM Aris Merchant via agora-official <
agora-offic...@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
> Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
> pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, the
> quorum is 7, the voting method is AI-majority, and the valid
> options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
> conditional votes).
> ID     Author(s)                AI    Title
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 8357p  G.                       1.0   Homework extension fail
> 8358j  Jason, Alexis            2.0   No zombie blot creation v2
> 8359p  Alexis                   1.0   Karmic Linkage
> 8360*  Alexis                   3.0   Social Distancing
> 8361*  Aris, Alexis             3.0   Fix Emergencies
> 8362*  Aris                     3.0   Recurring Emergencies
> 8363e  Warrigal                 1.0   Somebody gets a coin
> 8364*  Aris                     3.0   Mint Regulations
> 8365*  Aris                     3.0   Emergency Termination Notice
> The proposal pool is currently empty.
> Legend: <ID>* : Democratic proposal.
>         <ID># : Ordinary proposal, unset chamber.
>         <ID>e : Economy ministry proposal.
>         <ID>f : Efficiency ministry proposal.
>         <ID>j : Justice ministry proposal.
>         <ID>l : Legislation ministry proposal.
>         <ID>p : Participation ministry proposal.
> The full text of the aforementioned proposal(s) is included below.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8357
> Title: Homework extension fail
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: G.
> Co-authors:
> Amend Rule 2327 (Read the Ruleset Week) by deleting the second paragraph.
> [For reference, it's the "... in the year 2020, Read the Ruleset Week is,
> instead, the week of February 24 - March 1" paragraph].
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8358
> Title: No zombie blot creation v2
> Adoption index: 2.0
> Author: Jason
> Co-authors: Alexis
> Amend Rule 2532 (Zombies) by inserting the following list item before
> the item that says "deregister.":
>     - create blots;
> Expunge each blot that a zombie's master caused that zombie to create.
> [First attempt was ineffective due to typo in "self-punishment"
> proposal. Masters should not be able to hurt their zombies in this way.]
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8359
> Title: Karmic Linkage
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: Alexis
> Co-authors:
> Amend rule 2510 (Such is Karma) by inserting the following as a new
> paragraph after the first list:
> "The reasons for provided for the gain and loss of karma SHOULD, but
> NEED NOT, be related to one another."
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8360
> Title: Social Distancing
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: Alexis
> Co-authors:
> Enact a new power-3.01 rule entitled "Eclipse Light", reading as follows:
> {{
>   An emergency message is one whose subject line contains the text
> "[Emergency]".
>   The Prime Minister CAN, in an emergency message and with 3 Agoran
>   consent, enact, amend, or repeal Emergency Regulations, provided that
>   the intent to do so was also contained in an emergency message.
>   Emergency Regulations CAN:
>     - Extend any deadline provided for by any instrument other than this
>   rule, including a deadline for an obligation to be met, or deadline
>   prior to which an action must be performed in order to be valid, such
>   as the end of voting period. Such an extension CANNOT cause the total
>   time period, such as the time from when an obligation was created to
>   the deadline or the whole of a voting period, to be more than double
>   its original length.
>     - Create, destroy, or transfer assets, or require or forbid their
>   creation, destruction, or transfer.
>     - Cause one or more players to win Agora.
>     - Appoint or remove officeholders.
>     - Modify the Festivity.
>     - Award Patent Titles not mentioned in any Rule and Badges.
>     - Modify the Publicity of Fora.
>   The Prime Minister CAN, in an emergency message and with 4 Agoran
>   Consent, provided that the intent to do so was also contained in an
>   emergency message, Extend the Emergency.
>   If the Prime Minister has not Extended the Emergency in the past
>   month, any player CAN cause this rule to repeal all Emergency
>   Regulations and then itself.
>   If the Prime Minister has not sent a message to a public forum in the
>   preceding four days, the Speaker CAN exercise eir powers under this
>   rule as if e were the Prime Minister, and notwithstanding any rule
>   that would prohibit a single player from holding both offices.
> }}
> [I don't think we actually need an emergency rule. But deadline
> extensions might be nice, and I figure a little bit of levity might
> help us all.]
> [Knowing us, we will manage to not only pass it too late, but also too
> soon.]
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8361
> Title: Fix Emergencies
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: Aris
> Co-authors: Alexis
> Amend the rule entitled "Eclipse Light" by changing the text
>   "If the Prime Minister has not Extended the Emergency in the past
>   month, any player CAN cause this rule to repeal all Emergency
>   Regulations and then itself."
> to read
>   "If there is an Emergency Regulation that has existed for at least a
> month
>   and the Prime Minister has not Extended the Emergency in the past month,
> any
>   player CAN, by announcement, cause this rule to repeal all Emergency
>   Regulations and then itself."
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8362
> Title: Recurring Emergencies
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: Aris
> Co-authors:
> Amend the rule entitled "Eclipse Light" by deleting the text "and then
> itself".
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8363
> Title: Somebody gets a coin
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: Warrigal
> Co-authors:
> Enact a power-1 rule titled "A Coin Award":
>   {
>       When this rule is enacted, a player other than the
>       author of the proposal which enacted this rule earns 1
>       coin. Then, if a player earned a coin this way, this
>       rule repeals itself.
>   }
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8364
> Title: Mint Regulations
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: Aris
> Co-authors:
> Amend Rule 2166, "Assets", by changing the text "A rule defined asset is
> public" to read "An asset defined by rule or regulation is public".
> Amend Rule 2464, "Tournaments", by appending the text
>   "A Tournament's regulations collectively have Mint Authority.".
> If there is a Rule entitled "Eclipse Light", amend it by adding, after
> the list item beginning "Create, destroy, or transfer assets", a new
> list item in the same format as the rest of the list with the text
> "Collectively, exercise Mint Authority"
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8365
> Title: Emergency Termination Notice
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: Aris
> Co-authors:
> [This gives everyone a bit of warning before someone goes and repeals the
> Emergency Regulations, and gives the PM time to potentially extend
> the emergency. Note that explicitly specifying the deadline in this rule
> means that it can't be extended further.]
> Amend the rule entitled "Eclipse Light" by changing the text
>   "If there is an Emergency Regulation that has existed for at least a
> month
>   and the Prime Minister has not Extended the Emergency in the past month,
> any
>   player CAN, by announcement, cause this rule to repeal all Emergency
>   Regulations and then itself."
> to read
>   "If there is an Emergency Regulation that has existed for at least a
> month
>   and the Prime Minister has not Extended the Emergency in the past month,
> any
>   player CAN, with 7 days notice, cause this rule to repeal all Emergency
>   Regulations and then itself."
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

>From R. Lee

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