On Mon, 2020-03-16 at 19:48 -0400, Tanner Swett via agora-discussion wrote: > Respectfully, although Aris's thesis is interesting and well-written, > it doesn't seem to show a great amount of analysis or research > effort. > I think that to be eligible for a degree, a thesis should show more > analysis or research than, say, a typical CFJ judgement. > > Speaking of which, I think at least one person has, in the past, > submitted a CFJ judgement *as* a thesis, hasn't e? What are our > thoughts on allowing a judgement to double as a thesis?
A while back I wrote a document which I submitted as both a CFJ judgement and a thesis. It was intentionally written to work in both contexts, though; a typical CFJ judgement won't make for a good thesis, and vice versa. -- ais523