El 07/03/2020 a las 17:48, James Cook via agora-discussion escribió:
On Mon, 2 Mar 2020 at 13:12, sukil via agora-business
<agora-busin...@agoranomic.org> wrote:
El 01/03/2020 a las 5:53, James Cook via agora-business escribió:
On Wed, 26 Feb 2020 at 15:14, sukil via agora-business
<agora-busin...@agoranomic.org> wrote:
I intend to clean, as stated by r2221, the rule pertaining to
regulations (2493), replacing every instance of "an" with "a" (as every
instance of it is incorrect), if there is no objection.
(I don't think this requires a proposal, right?)
I object. "an" appears in "and" and "Agoran" and maybe "CAN" :-) To
avoid confusion of what this cleaning does, I think it would be better
to say 'every instance of the word "an"'.
- Falsifian
Right, fine.
Now the cleanup's text is "I intend to clean, as stated by r2221, the
rule pertaining to regulations (2493), replacing every instance of the
word "an" with "a" (as every instance of it is incorrect), if there is
no objection.
P. S.: You've killed Paul Grice .
Sorry to nitpick again, but I think your message needs to say that you
intend to make that change without objection.
R2595 says the announcement has to "conspicuously" specify the
"method(s) to be used".
- Falsifian
Didn't see this before. What do you mean by conspicuously? As I didn't
know the meaning of that word (so much for English Studies...), I
searched it on Wordreference. Highlights: "easily seen or noticed;
striking", "readily visible or observable", "attracting special
attention, as by outstanding qualities or eccentricities", and a bunch
of synonims. Now, my question: which difference would you say exists
between "if there is no objection" and "without objection", in the
conspicuous sense? Also, a bit related: what's the difference between
"clearly" and "conspicuously"? My intuitions don't work in the latter,
and after searching it they sound quite like the same thing. Is there a
source I'm missing?