CuddleBeam wrote:
> So, twg was cool to not weasel out when they had the chance to, so I will
> as well. I don’t know how to best do this aside from a Pledge, and I dont
> want to make the N too high in case he wants to use the blot availability I
> have during rental for something and this Pledge ends up being flawed
> somehow (since I could be deregged for too many blots, and I dont want to
> be deregged), so here goes:
> The following is a Pledge:
> “I pledge to not perform actions (while acting as myself, this doesn’t
> affect me when twg is acting on my behalf) which have a clear intent to be
> part of the usual gameplay of Agora nomic, without twg’s approval to do
> them, as long as they are my Supermaster. This does not include
> participating in commentary of the game, I can still communicate opinion
> and such freely. This has a time window equal to the remaining time twg has
> as my Supermaster. The N for this Pledge’s Oathbreaking Crime is 10.”

I appreciate your trust!

I promise (informally, because I'm not sure how or even if this sort of
thing can be governed by the rules) to play the game in both our best
interests, and to leave you at the end of the period with as good a game
standing as possible.

Relatedly, H. Arbitor, would you be willing to consider CuddleBeam as an
interested judge? Or is that too suspicious a move for your tastes?
(Or alternatively, swap em for me if you object on the basis that I
shouldn't have twice as much precedent-setting power as everyone else.)


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