On Sun, 1 Mar 2020 at 09:05, Timon Walshe-Grey via agora-business
<agora-busin...@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> CuddleBeam wrote:
> > So, yeah. Pretty much carte blanche, really.
> Sweet!
> I resign Tailor. I deputise for Tailor to grant Alexis 19 coins for eir
> Emerald Glitter (awarded Feb 27, after the Notary election). I award
> myself Cyan Glitter for deputising for Tailor.

Oh right, I saw this scam and planned to execute it, but then forgot.
Oops. (there are other offices that can do it too, though not with an
immediate turnaround on the victory as with Tailor).

I give fair notice to everyone that I will exploit any loopholes left
open in the fix, unless that fix is to repeal Glitter.


> I perform the following actions 200 times: {
>     I resign Tailor. I deputise for Tailor to grant myself 10 coins for
>     my Cyan Glitter. I award myself Cyan Glitter for deputising for
>     Tailor.
> }
> I give CuddleBeam 1000 coins. I act on CuddleBeam's behalf to pay 1000
> coins to win the game. I appoint CuddleBeam Speaker. I award CuddleBeam
> a Platinum Ribbon.
> I pay 1000 coins to win the game. I resign Prime Minister and then
> deputise for Prime Minister to appoint myself Speaker. I award myself a
> Platinum Ribbon and Cyan Glitter.
> -twg

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