On 2/26/2020 7:16 AM, Gaelan Steele via agora-discussion wrote:
>> On Feb 26, 2020, at 6:13 AM, Kerim Aydin via agora-business 
>> <agora-busin...@agoranomic.org> wrote:
>> AGAINST.  These should not become part of precedent but should change/be
>> removed with a change in officer, OR make it clear that an administrative
>> opinion is only a part of precedent as long as that officer holds the
>> position.  Otherwise this constrains future officers or requires repeat
>> CFJs whenever a new officer wants to change the policy.  Also, between
>> callers, barred parties, and busy judges, adding less flexibility to
>> judicial assignments makes the job challenging
> You’re thinking of an earlier proposal of mine (which was NttPF, oops). This 
> one doesn’t constrain assignment, but instead creates a parallel mechanism 
> for resolving CFJs. Not sure if that changes your mind. 

No I read this one carefully before commenting.  It's better than the
previous one, but I still don't think it's quite there yet on procedure or

I really think (as I've said a few times) that memoranda should be tracked
by an officer as part of an officer's report, and judges should have a
strong bias towards accepting the current officer's memoranda as being
"current game custom" for R217 purposes, but that it doesn't otherwise
affect the judicial system.


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