I also have a contract explicitly allowing this:

=============================== CONTRACT ===============================
|Gaelan's Really Bad At Sending Things To The Public Forum             |
|PARTIES: Gaelan, twg, Warrigal                                        |
Any person may become a party of this contract to act on Gaelan’s behalf
as described below.

Any person may act on Gaelan’s behalf to perform a series of actions,
subject to the following conditions:

* Gaelan attempted to perform those exact actions (verbatim) in a
  message to a discussion forum
* The message to the discussion forum occurred within the past 24 hours
* Gaelan's message was clearly an attempt to perform actions by sending
  a message to a public forum (and, specifically, it was not labelled as
  a draft of a later public action, such as a “proto” proposal)
* No actions have been performed by Gaelan, or on eir behalf, after
  the message to the discussion forum

Gaelan may terminate this contract at any time, by announcement.


> On Feb 25, 2020, at 7:09 PM, Edward Murphy via agora-discussion 
> <agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> twg wrote:
>> Alexis wrote:
>>> I initiate an election for Notary. I resign Notary.
>> Gaelan wrote:
>>> I become a candidate.
>> On behalf of Gaelan: TTttPF.
> As Gaelan's intent was reasonably clear, and (as I understand it)
> there's precedent that this counts as Gaelan's message reaching the
> Public Forum, I've recorded it as effective as of the time of twg's
> forward.

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