On 2/20/2020 11:35 AM, Gaelan Steele via agora-business wrote:
> I’ma go ahead and CFJ this: { Gaelan submitted a bid in the February
> zombie auction, or would have done so if the auction existed. }
> Falsifan’s arguments (for the arbitor's convenience): {
> Note that I am assuming here that Gaelan did not bid in the auction,
> since I believe e did not meet R478's standard of "...clearly
> specifying the action", since the precise values of eir bids depended
> on whether Cuddle Beam successfuly bid, and also on realizing that
> Jason had not successfully bid, which we only figured out later. If
> anyone is interested in calling a CFJ on this, e may want to link it to
> the CFJ I called today ("Rance's master switch is set to Agora.”).
> }
> Evidence: {
> My messages:
> https://www.mail-archive.com/agora-business@agoranomic.org/msg35639.html: {
> I bid n coins in this auction, where n is 1 higher than the current highest 
> bid. (AFIAK, this is 16 if CB’s bid worked and 13 if it didn’t.)
> }
> https://www.mail-archive.com/agora-business@agoranomic.org/msg35640.html: {
> Crap, Jason’s bid came in as I was writing this message. […]
> I retract my 52-coin bid, and bid n coins, where n is one higher than the 
> current SECOND highest bid.
> }
> }

Specifying a formula is not necessarily a "conditional" (but may be).
Have a look at CFJ 1460 it is an often-cited standard for clarity and has
some good examples:


> * The judgement of CFJ 3270 states {
> However, it has generally been accepted that a player can, in reasonable
> circumstances, indicate that they wish to perform a sequence of actions
> conditional on the entire sequence succeeding; *this is especially
> convenient if the gamestate is in question.* } (emphasis mine)

I think there's a distinction to be made here.  In cases where it
converged the gamestate, it's convenient to the officer  (e.g. "If I
haven't done this yet, I do this now").  In those cases the outcome is
that the Officer knows the resulting state of things, and can make
reports, etc., with the only outstanding uncertainty being which
message/time the change was made (which is often of lesser importance).

Conversely, it's a different situation if it's convenient to the player
but not the officer, e.g. "I bid N+1 because it's too hard for me to
figure out what N is".  In that case you're propagating uncertainty - the
officer is still uncertain of the previous bid, and now is more uncertain
of the auction state because of your bid.


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