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Report for the week of 2020-02-03..09:

# Summary

Another week, another victory: Falsifian pays 1,000 Coins to win the
game. No big deal: G. already did it recently, and two other players
own at least 1,000 Coins. Falsifian proposes to raise the fee according
to a nonstandard voting process, and Murphy drafts a proposed new
economy. G. reveals e had planned to force an economic reset through a
hyperinflation scam.

The February zombie auction begins, or maybe it doesn't, because zombie
auctions may be broken. One of the auction lots wakes up.

Other questions about the rules: H. Judge G. finds that back-dated
reports can be officers' reports; the matter of Agora being a contract
is raised anew; and more in the Rules Questions section below.

Patent Titles are awarded: a degree for twg, "Little Ricky Tables" for
Gaelan, and Champion to twg and Falsifian. Warrigal politely requests
the title of Ex-Champion.

Proposals: read the Ruleset Week may be delayed, there's discussion of
giving officers some discretion over legal questions, and more under
the Proposals section below.

Murphy returns after a period of absence.

Having lost all eir ribbons Raising a Banner, twg is off to a smashing
new start by earning seven at once.

# Victory

* Falsifian pays 1,000 Coins to win the game, and proposes to raise the
  fee to an amount determined by a vote. This leads to some discussion
  about how to handle repeated wins. E is also appointed Speaker.
  Thread: "[DoV] [Proposal] Closing the door behind me"

  * G. reveals e had been planning to use a birthday gift related scam
    to create hyperinflation and force the need to reset the economy,
    but forgot.

# Voting

* Voting finishes on Proposals 8308-8321.

  * Alexis gives an explanation for what others perceived as an error
    in eir Proposal 8313, related to dependent actions, and asks those
    voting against it for that reason to vote for it instead. Thread:
    "[Proposal] Help with Forgotten Announcements, Support

  * The H. Assessor drafts a message resolving the decisions. An issue
    is found with the distribution of Proposal 8317 (Zombie trade).
    (This technically continues a few minutes into the following Agoran
    week, but is included in this report for simplicity.)

# Culture and Academics

* The H. Herald awards patent titles:

  * To twg, the degree of Associate of Nomic for eir thesis "Letter to
    an Anti-Scamster: On the Importance of Loopholes in Agoran
    Culture". Thread: "[Herald] Graduation Announcement"

  * To twg and Falsifian, the Patent Title of Champion, for their
    recent victories. Thread: "[Herald] Hear ye, hear ye! A new

  * To Gaelan, the Patent Title of Little Ricky Tables, for eir XSS
    exploit of the CFJ archives last week.

* Warrigal politely requests the Patent Title of Ex-Champion, noting
  that e won the game in 2012 but does not currently possess the Patent
  Title of Champion. Thread: "A humble request"

# Games

* Warrigal's blackjack game continues.

# Proposals

* Discussion continues on omd's proto-proposal to take the past out of
  the gamestate. Alexis expresses full support and says it would clear
  up an issue with eir own proto. Tangentially, Warrigal suggests
  alternative language for the rules on precedence between rules.
  Thread: "[proto] Retroactive Events: a refactor of ratification"

* Falsifian submits a corrected proposal to undo the effects of
  adoping any of Proposals 8287-8307 more than once, just in case.
  Thread: "[Proposal] Re: [Assessor] Resolution of Proposals

* Falsifian proposes to raise the fee to win the game. See "Victory"
  section above.

* Falsifian proposes to clean up or trigger the rules listed in the
  "Important Temporary Rules" section of the ruleset. Thread:
  "[Proposal] Let's deal with the temporary rules."

* Based on a discussion last week about what happens when a person
  dies (one of a few topics discussed on the thread "The Very Worst
  Thing That Could Possibly Happen (Attn. Distributor)"), Falsifian
  proposes to amend Rule 869 to make a person remain a person
  forever. Thread: "[Proposal] the eternal spirit"

* Alexis proposes to move Read the Ruleset Week later, since there's
  some uncertainty about the Ruleset right now. Thread: "A Modest

* G. proposes to add acting "act(ed) on eir own behalf" to the rules
  for White ribbons. See the other note about the same thread in the
  Miscellaneous section. Thread: "Redecoration"

* Warrigal proposes to allow the Notary to destroy obsolete pledges
  without objection. Aris suggests this could apply to contracts too.
  Thread: "How to Break Your Promise"

* Murphy submits four proposals in the thread "[Attn Promotor] Four

  * Allow the ADoP to appoint players to be responsible for switches
    that fall under Rule 2603 due to otherwise lacking an officer to
    track them.

  * In cases where the Prime Minister's or Speaker's voting strengths
    are increased by 1, double them instead.

  * Destroy a player's left-over Coins after e wins by paying 1,000

  * Require the ADoP to announce the end of uncontested elections,
    unless someone else does so. This may be in order to allow players
    to deputise as ADoP to take these actions.

* The thread "PSA: Online ruleset viewer" includes a proposal by Gaelan
  to have CFJs assigned to relevant officers, all else being equal, and
  a sketch by G. of an a plan for officers to be able to issue
  memoranda. See the note in the "Rules questions" section of this

* Murphy circulates a draft proposal for a new economy involving four
  flavours of coin: Up, Down, Strange and Charm. Thread: "[proto]
  Standard Model of Agoran Economics"

* Alexis responds to some comments on eir thread "[Proto-Proposals] The
  beginnings of reform"

* Jason proposes to define the word "publicly". Thread: '[proposal]
  Define "publicly"'

# Rules questions

* H. Judge Jason issues a revised judgement of CFJ 3788, on
  ratification, after receiving comments on a new draft. E finds that
  ratification would have worked as intended in the example presented.
  Thread: "[Arbitor] CFJ 3788 Assigned to Jason Cobb"

* CFJ 3793, on whether zombie auctions work:

  * Context: a motion to reconsider was group-filed on January 26.

  * twg recuses emself, saying e can't figure out what the right answer
    should be. Thread: "CFJ 3793 judged FALSE (zombies work but not for

  * It is assigned to Alexis, who announces that e intends to find that
    zombie auctions don't work. Thread: "[Arbitor] CFJ 3793 Assigned to

* Cuddle Beam attempts to create a contract that e alone is two
  "Parties" to. Thread: "humble agoran farmer becomes a uroborus"

  * In the same thread, Warrigal recounts how acting-on-behalf used to

* H. Judge G. judges that coming into existence is a regulated action
  for some things but not others. Thread: "[Arbitor] CFJ 3797 Assigned
  to G."

* H. Judge G. finds that back-dated reports can be valid Officers'
  reports, so long as that date is within a certain time window, and
  that that specified date counts as the past time for ratification
  under R1551. Threads: "[Arbitor] CFJ 3798 Assigned to G.", "[Arbitor]
  CFJ 3799 Assigned to G."

  * Jason points out a potential mistake or inconsistency around a
    reference to earlier CFJ 3773, which was about a future-dated

* H. Judge Gaelan finds that to "petition" an office under the new text
  of Rule 2143 means to write a "formal" petition. Thread: "CFJ 3806
  judged FALSE (a petition is a "formal" request)"; gratuitous argument
  in thread: "[Arbitor] CFJ 3806 Assigned to Gaelan"

* On the thread "Editorial Guidelines", Alexis calls a CFJ related to
  whether Jason announced separate intents for eir three proposed
  guidelines, or one intent for all three, which is relevant since some
  players support some but not all of them. H. Judge G. finds that
  Jason did not successfully announce any intents to enact Editorial
  Guidelines (subject: "[Arbitor] CFJ 3808 Assigned to G.")

* The thread "PSA: Online ruleset viewer" includes a discussion and CFJ
  about whether a player can act on behalf of eir zombie to transfer
  karma. The H. Herald says e believes not. This leads to discussion
  about giving officers (the H. Herald in this case) discretion over
  questions like that. Gaelan proposes to have CFJs assigned to the
  relevant officers. G. sketches an alternative plan for officers to be
  able to issue memoranda.

* Cuddle Beam points out that the notion of "invisible" versus
  "visible" contracts introduced by the "Contract Patency v3" proposal
  may mean Agora counts as an invisible contract, which would interact
  badly with a provision that all invisible contracts are destroyed at
  the end of a transitional period. Thread: "humble agoran farmer makes
  Agora visible"

# Office of the Notary

* The H. Notary announces that Notary reports are available online.
  Thread: "[Notary] Report available online"

* The H. ADoP attempts to set the Notary's Ministry to {Economy} by
  announcement, but Jason says e can only do this without objection.
  Thread: "[Notary] Weekly report"

# Miscellaneous

* Gaelan sends a link to eir online ruleset viewer at , and points out that being based on
  the Rulekeepor's git repository, it is potentially more up-to-date
  than the latest Rulekeepor report. Thread: "PSA: Online ruleset

  * See other notes about this thread in the "Rules questions" section
    of this document.

* The February zombie auction begins, unless zombie auctions are
  broken. (See the bullet on CFJ 3793 in the "Rules questions" section
  of this document.)

  * Cuddle Beam, one of the lots in the auction, ceases to be a zombie
    during the auction.

* Discussion continues on the first proposed Editorial Guidelines.
  Thread: "Editorial Guidelines". See also the "Rules Questions"
  section of this document.

* Discussion continues on the topic of reporting and a possible Agoran
  newsletter. Threads: "[Reporter] Some questions, some thoughts, and a
  proposed newsletter", "[Reporter] Last week in agora"

* On Gaelan's XSS exploit in a CFJ. Thread: "CFJ 3805 judged TRUE"

  * H. Judge Aris finds that G. should indeed make sure the exploit
    doesn't adversely affect eir CFJ archive.

  * G. fixes the CFJ archive's index page, but leaves the vulnerability
    in CFJ 3805's page for posterity [0].

* An attempt to clean a rule veers off into a discussion of sentence
  fragments as list items in Agora's rules and law more generally.
  Thread: "Cleaning"

* Our H. Assessor asks for confirmation of eir information on who holds
  which offices, since the H. ADoP has not published a report for a
  while, and offices now get added voting power (according to their
  Ministries). Thread: "[Assessor] Request for office confirmation"

* Our H. ADoP, Murphy, reappears after a period of absence, and
  announces e's working on catching up. Thread: "[Arbitor] CFJ 3787
  Assigned to omd". E responds to various other old threads.

* Having Raised a Banner and thereby lost all eir ribbons, twg earns
  anew seven ribbons. As part of this, e acts on behalf of eir zombie
  to award emself a White ribbon, which G. points out has a permanent
  effect on eir zombie (the player loses eir ability to award White
  ribbons to others). G. submits a proposal to restrict the White
  ribbon rules to actions on one's own behalf. Thread: "Redecoration"

* Murphy probably transfers enough coins to Trigon to bring eir balance
  above 1000. Thread: "Kingmaking"


- Falsifian

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