On Wed, Jan 29, 2020 at 11:46 AM Tanner Swett via agora-discussion
<agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> I've been thinking about what makes Agora difficult to play as compared to
> other games.
> Something I've noticed about the current rules is that lots of game actions
> and effects are all woven together in such a way that if a mistake is made
> with any piece of it, the mistake can quickly propagate and "infect" a
> large portion of the state of the game, leading to large-scale confusion.
> Sometimes a sort of "fork" occurs and we find ourselves playing two games
> in parallel (and thereby taking double the effort) until some ambiguity is
> resolved.
> "Real life," however, by and large does not behave this way. Consider the
> following scenario:
> Alice has a bank account with a balance of $0. She deposits a check for
> $100, then goes to a store and buys a Bluetooth speaker for $100 using a
> debit card. Soon after this, she decides she doesn't like it, so she sells
> the speaker to her neighbor Bob for $50 in cash. A few days later, the
> check Alice deposited bounces.
> If something similar to the above were to occur under rules similar to
> today's rules, then we would find that Alice actually never had the money
> to buy the speaker with, so the speaker still belongs to the store. Then,
> when she sells the speaker to Bob, the sale is illegitimate, and so the
> speaker *still* belongs to the store, but now it's in Bob's possession;
> meanwhile, Alice now possesses $50 of cash that actually belong to Bob.
> In real life, however, none of the above happens. The initial sale of the
> speaker still stands; the speaker is successfully sold to Alice and the
> store receives $100. The subsequent sale also succeeds, meaning Bob now
> owns the speaker and Alice now owns the cash. When the check bounces, the
> credit to Alice's account is simply reversed, leaving her with a debit
> balance of $100.
> The difference here is that Alice's bank account is decoupled from her
> interactions with the store. Her ability to buy things does not depend on
> the legitimacy of the funds in her account; instead, her ability to buy
> things depends on what the bank tells the store, and what the bank tells
> the store depends on the bank's *beliefs* about the legitimacy of the funds
> in her account.
> How could we make Agora that way?
> Currently, the rules state that each player has some number of coins, as
> part of the gamestate, and the Treasuror is responsible for keeping track
> of this part of the gamestate. When a player attempts to spend coins, the
> attempt succeeds if e has the coins and fails if e does not.
> Instead, I suggest amending the rules to state that the Treasuror is
> responsible for maintaining accounts of coins; each account represents the
> number of coins that each player is considered to have, but having or not
> having coins is not actually part of the gamestate. When a player attempts
> to spend coins, the Treasuror either approves or declines the attempt. For
> particularly important transactions (such as winning the game), the Referee
> and Arbitor must approve the attempt as well.

Oh, light, no. Last time we tried to store money as accounts it was an
infernal mess. It lead to a never ending series of bugs and
counterintuitive results.

For the implementation, please in the name of all that's holy
implement it on top of assets. This is simple; you just have to set a
rule that the Treasuror's ruling on who has which transactions
succeeded is dispositive, and the coins platonically update themselves
so they are distributed in the manner e says they are.

I think I prefer the current system personally; the platonic nature of
reality and need for convergences keeps things interesting. However,
my concerns about the implementation are much greater than my
objection the content.


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