On Mon, Jan 27, 2020, 18:43 Jason Cobb via agora-business <
agora-busin...@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> [Informal title: "Pronouns"]
> {
> The singular non-gendered pronoun is "e" in the nominative, and "em" in
> the accusative. Do not use "they" as a singular pronoun. Do not use
> "he/him/his" or "she/her/her" as a singular pronoun when referring to a
> person of unknown gender.
> }

I informally object. I agree that we should use e/em as the generic
third-person singular pronoun (as we have been doing for decades), but when
rules refer to specific individuals (which is uncommon but not all *that*
rare), there's no reason at all to proscribe using "they" for a particular
individual if that's the pronoun that they prefer to use in such contexts.



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