On Tue, 14 Jan 2020 at 16:01, Alexis Hunt via agora-discussion
<agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> There's been some comments lately on the degree of difficulty of some
> offices, notably Treasuror, and it's definitely of note that twg proposed
> to maintain the Glitter rewards in eir report.

As Treasuror, I didn't feel particularly burdened by it. It might have
become a problem if we'd gone longer without a Tailor report, or if
people started claiming glitter rewards more often. I think it's only
been claimed a handful of times so far.

> How would people feel about changing to a model where rewards are primarily
> awarded by officers in response to certain events? E.g. the Assessor would
> give proposal rewards, the Tailor Glitter rewards, the CotC judging rewards.

Sounds good to me, except the issue with Glitter you identified.

- Falsifian

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