On Sun, 22 Dec 2019, omd wrote:
Will Gmail deliver a list message if it's sent from a different IP?
Maybe this is a good time to remind you (you never responded to my original message) that back in June/July (I think) I had trouble receiving list email because the list IP got on a global spam blacklist that my own mail account's mail server subscribes to, which AFAIU normally happens because such an IP sends mail to a spam trap address.
I eventually solved this personally by asking one of my sysadmins. He added an explicit exception for the IP.
This might indicate that occasionally that IP _is_ being used for genuine spam (maybe it's a shared address (there's no reverse DNS), or maybe there's an actual vulnerability), and if gmail is also picking up on this it's no wonder if it starts dropping stuff.
Paranoid greetings, Ørjan.