I started a repository to keep track of these: https://github.com/AgoraNomic/Reporter
This report covers the previous Agoran week, November 11 to 17. # Notable events * Proposals 8266-8274 are resolved after the voting period is extended. * The November zombie auction ends with no bids. (twg tried to submit one but was late.) * Elections to confirm existing office-holders continue, possibly because those officeholders want the new Emerald ribbon colour. * G. initiates an election for Arbitor. * Jason Cobb declares emself the uncontested winner of the Assessor election (and awards emself an Emerald ribbon). # Miscellaneous Proposals * Aris publishes a draft proposal that refactors how pledges and contracts work, and introduces an office (the Notary) for tracking them. Discussion on thread: "Draft: Contract Patency". * Aris publishes a couple more draft proposals in the thread "Random Small Protos": allow players to petition any officer to take a discretionary action; and increase the maximum voting strength from 5 to 10. There is some discussion of the recent history of voting strength. # Bugs and fixes * Ørjan points out a bug in the recently adopted Proposal 8266 ("Glitter") which could make it difficult to track when someone can earn coins. Thread: "[Assessor] Resolution of Proposals 8266-8274". * Jason Cobb proposes a clarification and bugfix to the election rules. Thread: "[proposal] Election Clarification". # Scams * Discussion continues on the question of whether Jason Cobb successfully transferred 500 coins from D. Margaux to emself. Thread: "proto-judgement of 3781". # Subgames and Culture * Nch withdraws eir proposal "The Carny" in order to make some changes. # Miscellanous * Someone asks about an Agoran MOO that apparently used to exist. There is some discussion of creating a new Agoran MUD. Thread: "Agoran MOO?". -- - Falsifian